Взаємозв’язок між нестаціонарними фізичними процесами в силових пристроях електромеханіки
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Розглянуто особливості нестаціонарних фізичних процесів, що супроводжують електромеханічне перетворення енергії, та їхній взаємозв’язок. Перелік цих процесів різниться в залежності від того, чи працюють пристрої переважно у стаціонарних режимах, чи для них є типовим перехідний (імпульсний) або повторний короткочасний режим навантаження. Крім основних виявів дії електричного струму, тобто джоулевої дисипації та пондеромоторних сил, специфіка окремих пристроїв вимагає враховувати такі явища, як нестаціонарна дифузія електромагнітного поля, дифузія тепла або дифузія речовини (як в системах індукційного переплаву металів тощо). Взаємозв’язок та перехресні впливи цих процесів представлені у статті у вигляді розгорнутої блок-схеми, що відображає найбільш суттєві явища, що потребують першочергової уваги при аналізі або моделюванні імпульсних електромеханічних пристроїв (генераторів імпульсного струму або електромагнітних прискорювачів масивних тіл).
The purpose of work is to consider the specifics and inter-connections of non-stationary physical processes which accompany the electromechanical energy conversion and to attract the attention of researchers to their analysis. The list of these processes is different in dependence on the time schedule of devices operation: or this is mainly stationary mode of operation or this is transient (impulse)/or maybe short-time periodical interrupted mode of loading. Beside of the main effects of electrical current action, as a Joule’s dissipation and ponderomotive forces, the specifics of some devices need to take into account such phenomena as non-stationary diffusion of electromagnetic field, heat diffusion or diffusion of substance (as in the systems of induction re-melting of metals etc.). Methodology of work consists of the inclusion into the structure of new algorithms of electromechanical devices simulation the secondary effects which are able to have influence on the operational parameters of devices and their lifetime and workability. Is result of previous analysis the mutual influence and cross coupling of these processes have been represented in this paper in the view of extended block diagram which covered the most essential phenomena for the first-priority attention at the analysis or simulation of the electromechanical devices with short-time mode of operation (as chock generators of pulsed current or electromagnetic accelerators of macrobodies). Originality of paper consists of the clear demonstration of cross connection between different unstationary physical processes which occur in the electromechanical energy converters. Proposed block-scheme of the information exchange between functional blocks of multiscale algorithm shows the way to investigate the energy conversion in parallel with calculation of this process influence on the properties of materials which have been used in design of device. The practical use of developed block-scheme is the assistance for investigators in the creation of multi-physical algorithms of simulation for the processes of energy conversion in the electromechanical devices.
The purpose of work is to consider the specifics and inter-connections of non-stationary physical processes which accompany the electromechanical energy conversion and to attract the attention of researchers to their analysis. The list of these processes is different in dependence on the time schedule of devices operation: or this is mainly stationary mode of operation or this is transient (impulse)/or maybe short-time periodical interrupted mode of loading. Beside of the main effects of electrical current action, as a Joule’s dissipation and ponderomotive forces, the specifics of some devices need to take into account such phenomena as non-stationary diffusion of electromagnetic field, heat diffusion or diffusion of substance (as in the systems of induction re-melting of metals etc.). Methodology of work consists of the inclusion into the structure of new algorithms of electromechanical devices simulation the secondary effects which are able to have influence on the operational parameters of devices and their lifetime and workability. Is result of previous analysis the mutual influence and cross coupling of these processes have been represented in this paper in the view of extended block diagram which covered the most essential phenomena for the first-priority attention at the analysis or simulation of the electromechanical devices with short-time mode of operation (as chock generators of pulsed current or electromagnetic accelerators of macrobodies). Originality of paper consists of the clear demonstration of cross connection between different unstationary physical processes which occur in the electromechanical energy converters. Proposed block-scheme of the information exchange between functional blocks of multiscale algorithm shows the way to investigate the energy conversion in parallel with calculation of this process influence on the properties of materials which have been used in design of device. The practical use of developed block-scheme is the assistance for investigators in the creation of multi-physical algorithms of simulation for the processes of energy conversion in the electromechanical devices.
Бібліографічний опис
Чемерис В. Т. Взаємозв’язок між нестаціонарними фізичними процесами в силових пристроях електромеханіки / В. Т. Чемерис, І. О. Бородій // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Електричні машини та електромеханічне перетворення енергії. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 1 (1223). – С. 42-47.