Удосконалення механізмів фінансового менеджменту суб'єктів малого бізнесу України
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Статтю присвячено вирішенню проблем пошуку шляхів удосконалення механізмів фінансового менеджменту суб'єктів малого бізнесу України. Виявлено, що вирішення фінансових проблем є головним напрямком успішного функціонуванням малих підприємств України, яке полягає у здійсненні комплексу заходів щодо приведення малого підприємства у відповідальність до обраної стратегії його фінансово-економічного розвитку. Запропоновано авторську класифікацію джерел формування фінансових ресурсів малого підприємства з урахуванням особливостей їх функціонування.
The article is devoted to solving the problems of finding ways to improve the mechanisms of financial management of small businesses in Ukraine. It is revealed that solving financial problems is the main direction of successful functioning of small enterprises in Ukraine, which consists in implementing a set of measures to bring a small enterprise in line with the chosen strategy of its financial and economic development. The characteristic features of managing the financial resources of small businesses that characterize them among other legal entities and individuals operating in Ukraine are highlighted, and it is concluded that all these features are somehow inherent in small businesses in Ukraine and should be taken into account when improving the mechanisms of their financial management. The tasks of forming the financial potential of a small business entity are systematized, which are integrated for the effective implementation of the main goal in its key aspects. It is found out that the implementation of tasks in the system of strategic financial management is carried out through reasonable management of financial flows between a small business entity and internal and external sources that arise during operational activities.
The article is devoted to solving the problems of finding ways to improve the mechanisms of financial management of small businesses in Ukraine. It is revealed that solving financial problems is the main direction of successful functioning of small enterprises in Ukraine, which consists in implementing a set of measures to bring a small enterprise in line with the chosen strategy of its financial and economic development. The characteristic features of managing the financial resources of small businesses that characterize them among other legal entities and individuals operating in Ukraine are highlighted, and it is concluded that all these features are somehow inherent in small businesses in Ukraine and should be taken into account when improving the mechanisms of their financial management. The tasks of forming the financial potential of a small business entity are systematized, which are integrated for the effective implementation of the main goal in its key aspects. It is found out that the implementation of tasks in the system of strategic financial management is carried out through reasonable management of financial flows between a small business entity and internal and external sources that arise during operational activities.
Ключові слова
фінансовий менеджмент, механізм, малий бізнес, фінансування, фінансовий потенціал, факторинг, financial management, mechanism, principles, stages, financial potential, factoring
Бібліографічний опис
Петриківа О. С. Удосконалення механізмів фінансового менеджменту суб'єктів малого бізнесу України / О. С. Петриківа // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" (економічні науки) = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" (economic sciences) : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2021. – № 2. – С. 68-72.