Дослідження кінетичних параметрів процесу вилучення нікол (ІІ) гідроксиду буферним розчином амоніаку й амоній хлориду
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Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
Розраховані кінетичні характеристики комплексу хімічних реакцій, які складають конкретні способи видобування нікелю з вторинної сировини. Наводяться висновки, що важливі для вибору кращого способу з метою його подальшого впровадження у виробництво.
The article describe a hydrometallurgical method of nickel (II) selective extraction from secondary raw material using ammonia solution. The main aim of the research is to define kinetic parameters of the process. An optimal composition of a buffer solution for nickel (II) selective extraction and molar ratio of its ingredients, that were defined by authors, gave important data base for studying kinetics of the buffer solution interaction with initial secondary raw material that contains nickel. Modern analysis techniques usage allows to accomplish control of completeness of nickel extraction. Mathematical treatment allows to get important dependences of nickel (II) rate of extraction on temperature and contact time, that are required for calculation of kinetic parameters of the process. A technique to calculate the kinetic parameters allows to get essential information that is important in choosing a better hydrometallurgical method of treatment of secondary raw material that contains nickel. The main goal it is implementation in industry. The obtained results can be used in inorganic synthesis and non-ferrous metal production from a secondary raw material. Defined kinetic parameters of the process allow to optimize it both technologically and economically.
The article describe a hydrometallurgical method of nickel (II) selective extraction from secondary raw material using ammonia solution. The main aim of the research is to define kinetic parameters of the process. An optimal composition of a buffer solution for nickel (II) selective extraction and molar ratio of its ingredients, that were defined by authors, gave important data base for studying kinetics of the buffer solution interaction with initial secondary raw material that contains nickel. Modern analysis techniques usage allows to accomplish control of completeness of nickel extraction. Mathematical treatment allows to get important dependences of nickel (II) rate of extraction on temperature and contact time, that are required for calculation of kinetic parameters of the process. A technique to calculate the kinetic parameters allows to get essential information that is important in choosing a better hydrometallurgical method of treatment of secondary raw material that contains nickel. The main goal it is implementation in industry. The obtained results can be used in inorganic synthesis and non-ferrous metal production from a secondary raw material. Defined kinetic parameters of the process allow to optimize it both technologically and economically.
Бібліографічний опис
Юрченко Г. О. Дослідження кінетичних параметрів процесу вилучення нікол (ІІ) гідроксиду буферним розчином амоніаку й амоній хлориду / Г. О. Юрченко, А. М. Бутенко // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий = Eastern-Еuropean journal of enterprise technologies. – 2012. – Т. 5, № 6 (59). – С. 33-36.