Требования к устройствам блокировки оперативных переключений при разработке и изготовлении новой продукции
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Рассмотрены требования к устройствам блокировки оперативных переключений коммутационных аппаратов высокого напряжения, используемых на энергообъектах. Описаны научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы по созданию блокирующего устройства нового комплекса электрооборудования для повышения надежности и электробезопасности персонала при производстве оперативных переключений в распределительных устройствах напряжением 6–750 кВ электрических станций и подстанций. Представлена схема электрическая, и описана конструкция опытного образца устройства, прошедшего приемочные испытания в составе комплекса электрооборудования.
The requirements to blocking device of high voltage routine switching devices, used on power facilities, were considered. The research and design work of blocking device's creation for new electric equipment were described. This electric equipment is designed for staff's reliability improvement and electrical safety during the execution of routine switching in distributing gear with 6–750 kV voltage, situated in power plants and power substations. The electrical drawing is presented and the design of experimental model with completed acceptance trials within the set of electric equipment is described. The devices that have been developed are appointed to completethe new "intellectual" systems to provide the safety blocking of operative commutations.
The requirements to blocking device of high voltage routine switching devices, used on power facilities, were considered. The research and design work of blocking device's creation for new electric equipment were described. This electric equipment is designed for staff's reliability improvement and electrical safety during the execution of routine switching in distributing gear with 6–750 kV voltage, situated in power plants and power substations. The electrical drawing is presented and the design of experimental model with completed acceptance trials within the set of electric equipment is described. The devices that have been developed are appointed to completethe new "intellectual" systems to provide the safety blocking of operative commutations.
Бібліографічний опис
Требования к устройствам блокировки оперативных переключений при разработке и изготовлении новой продукции / Р. К. Борисов [и др.] // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Техника и электрофизика высоких напряжений. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 51 (1160). – С. 12-16.