Жаростойкое покрытие для лопаток турбин ГТД
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Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского "Харьковский авиационный институт"
Показаны преимущества применения материалов на основе фосфатных связующих перед другими типами керамических высокотемпературных материалов, разрабатываемых для защиты элементов ГТД от воздействия высокотемпературного, химически агрессивного газового пока. Рассматривается применение керамических материалов фосфатного твердения в качестве изолятора - подложки высокотемпературных тензорезисторов, применяемых при исследовании вибронапряженного состояния лопаток турбин ГТД. Приведен состав высокотемпературного покрытия, технология его нанесения и режим тепловой обработки. Рассматривается явление увеличения прочности покрытия, содержащего стеклофазу, которое объясняется скруглением кончика трещин в связи с вязким течением силикатной стеклофазы.
The advantages of using materials based on phosphate binding agents over other types of ceramic hightemperature materials, which are developed to prevent high temperature and chemically aggressive gas stream influence on GTE parts, are shown. The using of phosphate hardening ceramic materials as isolator-padding of hightemperature resistive-strain sensor that is used in the study of GTE turbine blade vibratory stressed condition is considered. The chemical composition of high-temperature coating, the technology of coating and thermal mode are described. The strengthening effect of coating that contains glass phase is considered. Such effect is explained by rounding of crack tip because of viscous flow in silicate phase. Near the temperature of maximum coating strength the plastic flow of softened glass phase leads to blunting of the crack. The experimental data that proves this effect is shown. The experimental method of coating elastic module temperature dependence determination is reported.
The advantages of using materials based on phosphate binding agents over other types of ceramic hightemperature materials, which are developed to prevent high temperature and chemically aggressive gas stream influence on GTE parts, are shown. The using of phosphate hardening ceramic materials as isolator-padding of hightemperature resistive-strain sensor that is used in the study of GTE turbine blade vibratory stressed condition is considered. The chemical composition of high-temperature coating, the technology of coating and thermal mode are described. The strengthening effect of coating that contains glass phase is considered. Such effect is explained by rounding of crack tip because of viscous flow in silicate phase. Near the temperature of maximum coating strength the plastic flow of softened glass phase leads to blunting of the crack. The experimental data that proves this effect is shown. The experimental method of coating elastic module temperature dependence determination is reported.
Бібліографічний опис
Жаростойкое покрытие для лопаток турбин ГТД / В. Е. Ведь [и др.] // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология. – 2012. – № 9 (96). – С. 127-131.