Разработка автоматизированной системы и программного обеспечения ЭВМ для управления системой контроля качества изделий
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Рассмотрен способ повышения качества числового измерительного контроля радиодеталей за счет разработки его структурной организации. Предложена структурная схема автоматизированной системы дифференцированного контроля качества радиодеталей, а также рассмотрен принцип работы созданного программного обеспечения её вычислительной подсистемы. Описана и обоснована общая схема анализа данных при проведении такого контроля с помощью программных средств.
The process for improving the quality of the numerical measuring control of electronic components through the development of its structural organization has been considered. The block diagram of the automated system of differentiated control of quality of electronic components is proposed, and working principle of software for computational subsystem is considered. In work on the basis of typical controlling structures it has been proposed composite control structure, which was named differential control, her organization and description through the characteristics of quality of control - the risks of the customer and the manufacturer, it been considered; the general scheme of the analysis of data during such control is described and justified.
The process for improving the quality of the numerical measuring control of electronic components through the development of its structural organization has been considered. The block diagram of the automated system of differentiated control of quality of electronic components is proposed, and working principle of software for computational subsystem is considered. In work on the basis of typical controlling structures it has been proposed composite control structure, which was named differential control, her organization and description through the characteristics of quality of control - the risks of the customer and the manufacturer, it been considered; the general scheme of the analysis of data during such control is described and justified.
Бібліографічний опис
Федюшин А. И. Разработка автоматизированной системы и программного обеспечения ЭВМ для управления системой контроля качества изделий / А. И. Федюшин, А. И. Баленко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Механіко-технологічні системи та комплекси. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 22 (1131). – С. 54-59.