Management of university marketing activities: factors that influence on choice of place of obtaining higher education (according to the results of a survey of Chinese students)
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Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola
The article pays attention to the importance of a decision of administration of Institute of High Education on the issues of ensuring the implementation of licensed volumes of students recruitment for further development of higher education; revealed the potential of internationalization of higher education at the University level to ensure the students recruitment; the results of expert evaluation of Chinese students of the importance of factors influencing the choice of place of higher education; the article contains proposals for improving the model of behaviour of Institute of Higher education in the market of educational services.
Ключові слова
choice of the place of obtaining higher education, factors that influence on choice of place of obtaining higher education, survey of students, implementation of students recruitment, вибір місця здобуття вищої освіти, фактори впливу, опитування учнів, здійснення набору студентів
Бібліографічний опис
Moroz V. M. Management of university marketing activities: factors that influence on choice of place of obtaining higher education (according to the results of a survey of Chinese students) / Volodymyr M. Moroz, Olexandr V. Moroz // Information technologies and management 2019 : proceedings of the 17th international scientific conference, april 25-26, 2019, Riga, Latvia. – Riga : ISMA, 2019. – P. 166-168.