Использование синергетических стратегий производственно-экономичеких систем
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Обосновано стратегическое планирование как необходимый элемент деятельности машиностроительного предприятия в сфере повышения эффективности его деятельности. Применение аппарата синергетической теории в работе машиностроительного предприятия позволяет определить масштаб синергетического эффекта. Сделаны выводы о возможности достижения большей эффективности целостной системы, чем сумма эффектов взаимодействия отдельных подсистем и элементов, за счет использования синергетического подхода к стратегическому планированию деятельности предприятия.
There has been informed strategic planning as a necessary element of the activities of the machine building enterprise in improving the efficiency of its activitieР. To determine the scale of synergies application of the synergetic theory on machine building enterprise. Defined methodological principles of creation of positive synergistic effect on the process management of enterprise development machine building industry, namely, the necessity of the application of systematic and synergetic approach that allows to analyze the complex factors internal and external marketing environment and based on the assessment of the prospects for their further development to determine the mechanisms for managing development processes the enterprise. The conclusions about the possibility of achieving greater efficiency of complete system than the sum of the effects of the interaction of individual subsystems and components through the use of a synergistic approach to the strategic planning of the company.
There has been informed strategic planning as a necessary element of the activities of the machine building enterprise in improving the efficiency of its activitieР. To determine the scale of synergies application of the synergetic theory on machine building enterprise. Defined methodological principles of creation of positive synergistic effect on the process management of enterprise development machine building industry, namely, the necessity of the application of systematic and synergetic approach that allows to analyze the complex factors internal and external marketing environment and based on the assessment of the prospects for their further development to determine the mechanisms for managing development processes the enterprise. The conclusions about the possibility of achieving greater efficiency of complete system than the sum of the effects of the interaction of individual subsystems and components through the use of a synergistic approach to the strategic planning of the company.
Ключові слова
машиностроение, синергия, синергетический подход, планирование экономическое, planning, strategy, engineering, synergy, synergistic approach
Бібліографічний опис
Камчатная-Степанова Е. В. Использование синергетических стратегий производственно-экономичеких систем / Е. В. Камчатная-Степанова, Ю. А. Клочко, Н. Г. Сикетина // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Технологии в машиностроении. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 42 (1085). – С. 182-186.