Приближенная методика оценки объема заиления водохранилища – прототипа
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Анализ состояний больших водоемов важно для общей оценки состояния водоемов. Использование зональных характеристик, информационных технологий, баз данных, позволяет отобразить реальное состояние водоемов. В связи с этим при прогнозировании экологического состояния водохранилища по ограниченной группе экологических показателей можно использовать данные прототипа для исследуемого или проектируемого водохранилища (аналога), которое находится в геосистеме близкой по характерным показателям к геосистеме аналога.
Model the prototype can serve as a well-studied body of water or specially created hydraulic structure, so arranged that the entrance was formed by such processes that reflect the processes in the reservoir, which requires the prediction of certain processes, e. g., processes of sedimentation. Analysis of the conditions of the big reservoirs important for an overall assessment of state water bodies. Using zonal characteristics, information technology, database data allows display real status of water bodies. On the basis of reservoir in predicting environmental status for a limited group of environmental indicators can be used for the test of the prototype data or the projected reservoir (analogue), which is in close geosystem the characteristic parameters to geosystem analog. This technique allows to carry out assessments of mol at a predetermined time interval on the basis of experimentally measured specific values of settling of suspensions in water of the reservoir from a known volume of water. The accuracy of estimates is determined by the accuracy of determining the specific amount of precipitation deposited per unit time from the volume of water used. The results will be more accurate, the more accurate will be executed zonal division of the reservoir in determining the quantities of the deposited substances from the respective zones of artificial reservoir.
Model the prototype can serve as a well-studied body of water or specially created hydraulic structure, so arranged that the entrance was formed by such processes that reflect the processes in the reservoir, which requires the prediction of certain processes, e. g., processes of sedimentation. Analysis of the conditions of the big reservoirs important for an overall assessment of state water bodies. Using zonal characteristics, information technology, database data allows display real status of water bodies. On the basis of reservoir in predicting environmental status for a limited group of environmental indicators can be used for the test of the prototype data or the projected reservoir (analogue), which is in close geosystem the characteristic parameters to geosystem analog. This technique allows to carry out assessments of mol at a predetermined time interval on the basis of experimentally measured specific values of settling of suspensions in water of the reservoir from a known volume of water. The accuracy of estimates is determined by the accuracy of determining the specific amount of precipitation deposited per unit time from the volume of water used. The results will be more accurate, the more accurate will be executed zonal division of the reservoir in determining the quantities of the deposited substances from the respective zones of artificial reservoir.
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Дубовик Д. Д. Приближенная методика оценки объема заиления водохранилища – прототипа / Д. Д. Дубовик // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ" , 2016. – № 18 (1190). – С. 164-169.