Оптимизация химического состава чугунных отливок на статистических моделях
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Информационно-издательский дом "ЦентрИнформ"
Применение методов математической статистики совместно с теорией оптимизации позволяет эффективно управлять в значительной мере случайными процессами реального литейного производства и с высокой степенью надежности добиваться требуемого качества отливок. Это доказывает практика внедрения разработок ученых на ЗАО "Мотордеталь" и ХК "Лугансктепловоз".
The use of methods of mathematical statistics together with the theory of optimization allows to manage to a considerable degree random processes of real foundry and with high degree of reliability to achieve the required quality of foundry goods. This is proved by the practice of developments introduction to the close corporation "Motordetal" and "Luganskteplovoz". Thus, the article covers the following information: the basing of the necessity of use of stochastic model of casting process optimization, the experience of use of optimization models under conditions of specific foundry of the close corporation "Motordetal", the application practice of the theory of statistical decisions for the optimization of engineering processes of grey iron casting.
The use of methods of mathematical statistics together with the theory of optimization allows to manage to a considerable degree random processes of real foundry and with high degree of reliability to achieve the required quality of foundry goods. This is proved by the practice of developments introduction to the close corporation "Motordetal" and "Luganskteplovoz". Thus, the article covers the following information: the basing of the necessity of use of stochastic model of casting process optimization, the experience of use of optimization models under conditions of specific foundry of the close corporation "Motordetal", the application practice of the theory of statistical decisions for the optimization of engineering processes of grey iron casting.
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Оптимизация химического состава чугунных отливок на статистических моделях / С. Г. Пелых [и др.] // Оборудование и инструмент для профессионалов. Сер. : Металлообработка. – 2007. – № 2 (87). – С. 42-45.