Evolutionary Synthesis of Dynamical Object Emulator Based on RBF Neural Network
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Nagoya University
The combination of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has already resulted in researchers advancing in quite a few real world applications but it is in control that this alliance yields much appreciable benefit. The paper reports a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network training technique which joins together global strategy of GAs and a local adjusting procedure typical for RBF networks. While activation function window centres and widths are processed via a "slow" numeric GA, output-layer neurone synaptic weights are defined by a "fast" analytical method. The technique allows to minimize not only the network hidden-layer size but also the pattern set required for training the adequate dynamical object neuroemulator.
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Sergeev S. A. Evolutionary Synthesis of Dynamical Object Emulator Based on RBF Neural Network / S. A. Sergeev, K. V. Mahotilo // Procs of 1st Workshop on Soft Computing WSC-1,1996, August 19-30, On the Internet, Served by Nagoya University, pp. 31-36.