Теоретико-методичні основи формування інтелектуального капіталу та уточнення понятійного апарату
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Суттєвий теоретичний висновок в проведеному дослідженні полягає в тому, що досягнення цілей в управлінні інтелектуальним капіталом слід розглядати як результат, що забезпечує потрійний ефект: креативно-підприємницький, ринково-економічний і соціальний, але жоден з них не є самодостатнім. В проведеному дослідженні доведено, що сам процес інтелектуалізації забезпечує не тільки високі економічні результати, а й суттєві зміни більш широкого кола ключових для суспільства питань: формування нових організаційних моделей, інформатизацію, становлення нового порядку економічних і суспільних відносин.
The article defines the important features of the conceptual apparatus of the problem of intellectualization of the economy, in particular, the connections between the concepts of "intelligence", "intellectual capital", "intellectualization", "knowledge economy", "intellectual and scientific and technical potentials" are highlighted, the important role of organizational measures for combining science with production. The given author's interpretations of the concepts of "intellect", "intellectual capital", define the commercial nature of intellectual activity. In terms of terminology, the article has developed a conceptual cluster - a family of terms associated with intelligence and its use. In the classification direction of expanding knowledge on the issues of intellectual capital, its varieties have been identified, which are grouped according to the characteristics of forms of ownership, forms of manifestation, methods of formation, by the nature of the impact on the value of the enterprise, orientation in time and other substantively defined and expanded functions of intellectual potential. The process and resource approaches to intellectual capital are substantiated, which is recommended to be used in the construction of modern technologies for human resource management. It has been substantiated that the transitivity of the modern period, the instability of the development process further increase attention to the knowledge-based economy and to the organizational and economic mechanisms for managing scientific and technological progress and innovative development. The essential theoretical conclusion in the study is that the achievement of goals in the management of intellectual capital should be considered as a result, provides a triple effect: creative-entrepreneurial, market-economic and social, but none of them is self-sufficient. The study proved that the process of intellectualization itself provides not only high economic results, but also significant changes in a wider range of key issues for society: the formation of new organizational models, informatization, the formation of a new order of economic and social relations.
The article defines the important features of the conceptual apparatus of the problem of intellectualization of the economy, in particular, the connections between the concepts of "intelligence", "intellectual capital", "intellectualization", "knowledge economy", "intellectual and scientific and technical potentials" are highlighted, the important role of organizational measures for combining science with production. The given author's interpretations of the concepts of "intellect", "intellectual capital", define the commercial nature of intellectual activity. In terms of terminology, the article has developed a conceptual cluster - a family of terms associated with intelligence and its use. In the classification direction of expanding knowledge on the issues of intellectual capital, its varieties have been identified, which are grouped according to the characteristics of forms of ownership, forms of manifestation, methods of formation, by the nature of the impact on the value of the enterprise, orientation in time and other substantively defined and expanded functions of intellectual potential. The process and resource approaches to intellectual capital are substantiated, which is recommended to be used in the construction of modern technologies for human resource management. It has been substantiated that the transitivity of the modern period, the instability of the development process further increase attention to the knowledge-based economy and to the organizational and economic mechanisms for managing scientific and technological progress and innovative development. The essential theoretical conclusion in the study is that the achievement of goals in the management of intellectual capital should be considered as a result, provides a triple effect: creative-entrepreneurial, market-economic and social, but none of them is self-sufficient. The study proved that the process of intellectualization itself provides not only high economic results, but also significant changes in a wider range of key issues for society: the formation of new organizational models, informatization, the formation of a new order of economic and social relations.
Ключові слова
інтелект, інтелектуальний капітал, інтелектуалізація, інтелектуальний потенціал, науково-технічний потенціал, знанієва економіка, intelligence, intellectual capital, intellectualization, knowledge economy, intellectual potential, scientific and technical potentials
Бібліографічний опис
Глізнуца М. Ю. Теоретико-методичні основи формування інтелектуального капіталу та уточнення понятійного апарату / М. Ю. Глізнуца // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" (економічні науки) = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" (economic sciences) : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2021. – № 2. – С. 94-98.