Сучасні тенденції реформування освіти

dc.contributor.authorАгаларова, Карина Адільївнаuk
dc.contributor.authorСутула, Оксана Анатоліївнаuk
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена реформуванню освіти в Україні. Підкреслено, що в подоланні кризи цивілізації, у вирішенні найгостріших глобальних проблем людства величезну роль відіграє освіта. Проаналізовано стан сучасної освіти. Обґрунтовано потребу в проведенні кардинальних змін у вищій освіті України. Зроблено висновок про доцільність реформування сучасної системи освіти, необхідність пошуку підходів до передачі знань, навичок, нетрадиційних методів навчання й формування нової парадигми.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the study of modern trends in education reform. The article stresses that the education reform is the main factor in overcoming the crisis of the educational system, in overcoming the crisis of civilization, solving the most pressing global problems of humanity, education plays a huge role. The state of modern education is analyzed. In our country, the crisis of education is twofold. First, it is a manifestation of the global educational crisis. Secondly, this happens under the powerful influence of the crisis of the state, the entire socio-economic and socio-political system. The necessity and reasons for the fundamental changes in higher education in Ukraine are justified. The need for fundamental changes in higher education in Ukraine is conditioned by the following reasons: changing priorities in the sociocultural policy that is taking place in the world; crisis of the traditional, or as it is called – the classical model of education; the reform processes taking place in the educational systems of the vast majority of countries of the modern world at the beginning of the XXI century; changes in the socio-political and economic life of the state. The article states that the impact of crisis processes in Ukraine extends beyond the educational system of higher education. In the content of education there is a tendency to decrease the level of knowledge not related to pragmatic goals (in the field of science, culture, etc.); orientations on a profession that are connected with global problems and do not lead to a quick economic effect in the spontaneous market (for example, researcher, classical art, etc.); the level of operation of non-economic educational systems. In organizational terms, this influence is associated with the emergence of a situation of secondary socialization (the proportion of working students in higher education institutions is growing); reducing the role of correspondence and evening forms of education in favor of the extramural. It is noted that the crisis of education, about which scientists have spoken in recent years, manifests itself in the discrepancy between the level of training of specialists and the growing needs of society, the requirements of a multifaceted and contradictory life, which is increasingly difficult; in contradiction between the new goals and objectives of higher education and the existing organizational structure, conservative forms of management and functioning of higher education; in the differentiation of interests and capabilities of the subjects of the educational process. The article emphasizes that a modern educated person is not so much a person who possesses knowledge as prepared for the dynamic realities of life, is able to navigate the complex socio-political problems of contemporary life. An educated person must be ready for challenges due to the dynamism and the crisis state of modern information civilization. The conclusion is made about the feasibility of the problem of reforming the modern educational system, searching for new approaches to the transfer of knowledge, skills, nontraditional teaching methods and the formation of a new paradigm. And also, that before the modern Ukrainian education there is a dual task: to preserve all positive achievements of Ukrainian educational experience, as well as to use in practice the world’s educational achievements.en
dc.identifier.citationАгаларова К. А. Сучасні тенденції реформування освіти / К. А. Агаларова, О. А. Сутула // Соціальні технології: актуальні проблеми теорії та практики : зб. наук. пр. – Запоріжжя : КПУ, 2018. – Вип. 80. – С. 5-12.uk
dc.publisherКласичний приватний університетuk
dc.subjectкриза освітиuk
dc.subjectзміна парадигмuk
dc.subjectцілі освітиuk
dc.subjectвища школаuk
dc.subjectcrisis of educationen
dc.subjectparadigm shiften
dc.subjecteducational goalsen
dc.subjecthigher educationen
dc.titleСучасні тенденції реформування освітиuk
dc.title.alternativeModern trends in education reformen


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