Розробка алгоритму зональних характеристик штучних водоймищ
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Назва тому
Аналіз стану великих штучних водойм є важливим для загальної оцінки стану водойм та прилеглої території. Використання зональних характеристик, інформаційних технологій, баз даний, дозволить відображати реальний стан водойм. У зв'язку із цим запропонована спеціальна система координат (зональна), що, опосередковано, пов'язана з поточними значеннями обсягів води в позначеній зоні й з поточними контурами берегів.
Analysis of the status of large artificial reservoirs is important for an overall assessment of status of water bodies and surrounding areas. The use of area characteristics, information technology, databases this will allow to reflect the real state of the water. For this purpose, different reference system, usually associated with geographic coordinates SWISS and its elements. A special system of coordinates (zonal), which, indirectly, is related to current values of water volumes in the designated area and with the current contours of the coast. The number of zones does not depend on changes of water volume and shapes of SWISS banks in the course of its operation, and the volume of each of the selected spatial zones will be a function of the water level in the cooling pool. Thus, it is possible to construct the set of States of SWISS, characterizing its content and the contour of the shoreline, as a function of the deviation from the NPC, or the absolute value of the current supply level. Such approach allows to preserve the structure of the zonal description of SWISS regardless of the current values of the main morpho-metric characteristics and to describe its state the set of local spatial areas.
Analysis of the status of large artificial reservoirs is important for an overall assessment of status of water bodies and surrounding areas. The use of area characteristics, information technology, databases this will allow to reflect the real state of the water. For this purpose, different reference system, usually associated with geographic coordinates SWISS and its elements. A special system of coordinates (zonal), which, indirectly, is related to current values of water volumes in the designated area and with the current contours of the coast. The number of zones does not depend on changes of water volume and shapes of SWISS banks in the course of its operation, and the volume of each of the selected spatial zones will be a function of the water level in the cooling pool. Thus, it is possible to construct the set of States of SWISS, characterizing its content and the contour of the shoreline, as a function of the deviation from the NPC, or the absolute value of the current supply level. Such approach allows to preserve the structure of the zonal description of SWISS regardless of the current values of the main morpho-metric characteristics and to describe its state the set of local spatial areas.
Бібліографічний опис
Дубовик Д. Д. Розробка алгоритму зональних характеристик штучних водоймищ / Д. Д. Дубовик, Т. М. Дубовик // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. of sci. papers. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 12 (1184). – С. 112-118.