Особенности взаимодействия ускоренных ионов C₆₀ с поверхностью ITO мишени
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Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна
В работе исследованы закономерности роста пленок и эрозии поверхности при облучении мишеней из оксида индия-олова (ITO, 90 % In₂O₃ + 10 % SnO₂) пучком ускоренных ионов С₆₀ с энергией в интервале 2,5–20 кэВ при температуре мишеней 373–673 K. Определена зависимость коэффициента распыления ITO от энергии бомбардирующих ионов. При энергии выше 3,75 кэВ = 373 K и происходит процесс травления поверхности мишени. Рост углеродных пленок на поверхности облучаемых мишеней из ITO наблюдается в интервале энергий ионов 2,5–3,75 кэВ. Обнаружена зависимость коэффициента распыления от температуры. При энергии ионов C₆₀ 5 кэВ до температуры 423 K происходит травление мишени, а выше температуры 448 K до 673 K рост пленки и уменьшение коэффициента распыления углеродной пленки с повышением температуры.
Behaviors of film growth and surface during irradiation of the indium tin oxide targets (ITO, 90 % In₂O₃ + 10 % SnO₂) by accelerated C60 ion beam were investigated. The ion beam energy was in the range of 2.5–20 keV and target (substrate) temperature was in the range of 373–673 K. The effects of the ion energy and temperature on the sputtering yield were assessed. It was found that surface etching occurred for ion energies above 3.75 keV and = 373 K. Growth of the carbon films on a surface of the ITO targets took place for ion energies below 3.75 keV. In the case of the ion energy of 5 keV, the target was sputtered when the temperature was below 423 K, and the growth of the carbon films was observed for higher temperatures. It was found that increasing the temperature reduced the sputtering yield.
Behaviors of film growth and surface during irradiation of the indium tin oxide targets (ITO, 90 % In₂O₃ + 10 % SnO₂) by accelerated C60 ion beam were investigated. The ion beam energy was in the range of 2.5–20 keV and target (substrate) temperature was in the range of 373–673 K. The effects of the ion energy and temperature on the sputtering yield were assessed. It was found that surface etching occurred for ion energies above 3.75 keV and = 373 K. Growth of the carbon films on a surface of the ITO targets took place for ion energies below 3.75 keV. In the case of the ion energy of 5 keV, the target was sputtered when the temperature was below 423 K, and the growth of the carbon films was observed for higher temperatures. It was found that increasing the temperature reduced the sputtering yield.
Ключові слова
распыление, фуллерен, эрозия, температурная зависимость, химические реакции, yield sputtering, fullerene, erosion, temperature dependence of yield sputtering, ITO, chemical reactions
Бібліографічний опис
Особенности взаимодействия ускоренных ионов C₆₀ с поверхностью ITO мишени / М. В. Малеев [и др.] // Физическая инженерия поверхности = Physical surface engineering. – 2015. – Т. 13, № 2. – С. 184-195.