Параметрический синтез цифровой системы наведения танковой зенитной установки
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Рассматривается задача отыскания значений варьируемых параметров системы наведения танковой зенитной установки закрытого типа, в которой зенитный пулемет установлен на вращающейся командирской башенке, а наведение пулемета на воздушные и наземные цели осуществляется из командирской башенки с помощью пульта наведения, связанного с электроприводом импульсного регулирования. Показано, что качество работы системы наведения оценивается точностью поддержания заданной угловой скорости наведения, быстродействием и энергетическими затратами на наведение.
The problem of finding the values of the variable parameters of the systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun of the closed type, in which the anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on a rotating commander's cupola, and pointing guns at air and ground targets is carried out from the commander's turret with the remote guidance associated with the electric pulse regulation. It is shown that the quality of the estimated accuracy of the systems targeting maintain the desired angular velocity of guidance, speed and power consumption for targeting. As variable parameters systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun selected gear ratio, the repetition period of the control pulses and the parameters determining the value of the duty cycle of the control pulse. It is shown that the gear ratio should be selected on the basis of a compromise between precision targeting tank anti-aircraft gun, performance and power consumption for targeting. The values of the variable parameters, which provide high dynamic properties of closed systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun high pointing accuracy and low power consumption for targeting are defined.
The problem of finding the values of the variable parameters of the systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun of the closed type, in which the anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on a rotating commander's cupola, and pointing guns at air and ground targets is carried out from the commander's turret with the remote guidance associated with the electric pulse regulation. It is shown that the quality of the estimated accuracy of the systems targeting maintain the desired angular velocity of guidance, speed and power consumption for targeting. As variable parameters systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun selected gear ratio, the repetition period of the control pulses and the parameters determining the value of the duty cycle of the control pulse. It is shown that the gear ratio should be selected on the basis of a compromise between precision targeting tank anti-aircraft gun, performance and power consumption for targeting. The values of the variable parameters, which provide high dynamic properties of closed systems targeting tank anti-aircraft gun high pointing accuracy and low power consumption for targeting are defined.
Бібліографічний опис
Александрова Т. Е. Параметрический синтез цифровой системы наведения танковой зенитной установки / Т. Е. Александрова // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Системный анализ, управление и информационные технологии. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 58 (1167). – С. 37-40.