Розповсюдження фронту руйнування при повзучості в пластинах з надрізами
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Надані результати аналізу накопичення пошкоджень внаслідок повзучості та визначення часу розповсюдження фронту руйнування в пластинах, які послаблені гострими та круговими симетричними надрізами. Встановлено, що тривалість повного руйнування пластин в умовах неоднорідного напруженого стану внаслідок концентрації напружень біля надрізів може бути досить значною.
Development of the time determination methods between the completion stage hidden destruction of the constructive element and point of its complete destruction is relevant for creep research and operation life evaluation of the various machine elements. These elements loosened by various snips and work in difficult temperature and power conditions. Based on the proposed method of numerical analysis of destruction front proliferation the results of the damage accumulation analysis due to the creep and the propagation time determination of front destruction in plates are presented. These plates are weakened by sharp and circular symmetrical snips. Sharp or circular snips concentrators are quite common in machine elements and have a constructive or technological importance. It was found that the complete destruction time of the plates in a non-uniform stress state due to the stress concentration around the snips greatly exceeds the latent stage duration of destruction. The practical value of the proposed method lies in the fact that there is the ability to assess resource of the different machine parts, in which the period of hidden damage accumulation is ended and macro destructions are emerged.
Development of the time determination methods between the completion stage hidden destruction of the constructive element and point of its complete destruction is relevant for creep research and operation life evaluation of the various machine elements. These elements loosened by various snips and work in difficult temperature and power conditions. Based on the proposed method of numerical analysis of destruction front proliferation the results of the damage accumulation analysis due to the creep and the propagation time determination of front destruction in plates are presented. These plates are weakened by sharp and circular symmetrical snips. Sharp or circular snips concentrators are quite common in machine elements and have a constructive or technological importance. It was found that the complete destruction time of the plates in a non-uniform stress state due to the stress concentration around the snips greatly exceeds the latent stage duration of destruction. The practical value of the proposed method lies in the fact that there is the ability to assess resource of the different machine parts, in which the period of hidden damage accumulation is ended and macro destructions are emerged.
Ключові слова
концентрація напружень, пошкоджуваність, тріщина, stress concentration, damage, fracture
Бібліографічний опис
Аніщенко Г. О. Розповсюдження фронту руйнування при повзучості в пластинах з надрізами / Г. О. Аніщенко // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип. : Динаміка і міцність машин. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ". – 2015. – № 55 (1164). – С. 26-31.