Особенности преобразования некоторых сигналов с использованием RC цепочек
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Национальный технический универститет "Харьковский политехнический институт"
Рассматриваются задачи, связанные с преобразованием импульсов напряжения, вызванных апериодическим разрядом накопительного конденсатора, с использованием дифференцирующей RC цепочки, а также с фильтрацией низкочастотной компоненты напряжения на выходе синхронного детектора с использованием интегрирующей RC цепочки. Для указанных задач приведены формулы для расчета временных зависимостей сигналов на выходе преобразовательной цепочки. Проанализировано влияние постоянной времени дифференцирующей RC цепочки на соотношение между моментами времени, которые соответствуют максимальному значению апериодического импульса на входе цепочки и изменению полярности напряжения на выходе RC цепочки.
The problems associated with the conversion of voltage pulses caused by overdamped discharge of the storage capacitor using a differentiating RC circuit, as well as filtering the low-frequency component of voltage on the output of a synchronous detector using an integrating RC circuit, are considered. For these tasks, formulas are given for calculating the time dependences of the signals on the output of the converter circuit. The influence of time constant of differentiating RC circuit on ratio between the moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit is analyzed. It was shown that the ratio between the moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit can be used in order to determine the accuracy of differentiating of voltage pulses caused by overdamped discharge of the storage capacitor. The increasing of accuracy of differentiating is accompanied by the decreasing of difference between moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit.
The problems associated with the conversion of voltage pulses caused by overdamped discharge of the storage capacitor using a differentiating RC circuit, as well as filtering the low-frequency component of voltage on the output of a synchronous detector using an integrating RC circuit, are considered. For these tasks, formulas are given for calculating the time dependences of the signals on the output of the converter circuit. The influence of time constant of differentiating RC circuit on ratio between the moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit is analyzed. It was shown that the ratio between the moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit can be used in order to determine the accuracy of differentiating of voltage pulses caused by overdamped discharge of the storage capacitor. The increasing of accuracy of differentiating is accompanied by the decreasing of difference between moments of time that correspond to the maximum value of the overdamped pulse on the input of RC circuit and to the change in the polarity of the voltage at the output of the RC circuit.
Бібліографічний опис
Костюков И. А. Особенности преобразования некоторых сигналов с использованием RC цепочек / И. А. Костюков // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Енергетика: надійність та енергоефективність = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Energy: reliability and energy efficiency : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 29 (1354). – С. 87-90.