Методика расчетной оценки пространственного распределения амплитудно-временных параметров электромагнитного импульса в полеобразующей системе полоскового типа
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В статье представлена методика моделирования в среде COMSOL процессов распространения ЭМИ в полосковой системе открытого типа, которая может быть применена для любого варианта полосковой системы. Результаты моделирования показали, что требования стандарта MIL STD 461G по степени однородности поля 6 дБ, легко удовлетворяются любой системой
полеобразования использующей полосковые линии. Рассмотрена полеобразующая система традиционного типа с переходными секциями и горизонтальной центральной частью.
Method of simulation in COMSOL environment of the processes of propagation of EMP in stripline system of open type that can be used for any variant of stripline system is presented in the paper. The results of simulation showed that the requirements of the standard MIL-STD-461G on the degree of field uniformity of 6 dB are easily satisfied by any field-forming system with strip lines. It was shown that, to surely obtain a pulse front of 2 10-9 s and required amplitude, it is advantageous to raise the lower plate of the strip line field-forming system through a height 1 m above the surface of the ground. The field-forming system of the traditional type with transitional sections and horizontal central part is considered. The dimensions of the horizontal part are: the distance between the planes –3 m, the length – 5 m. In the area of working volume of the field-forming system, vectors of electric and magnetic field strength deflect from the plane of cross section through no more than 0.3 rad at the edges and no more than 0.05 rad in its centre. The waveform deviates from the wave of TEM-type through no more than 5% in the central area about 3 m in length and at the distance from the current-conducting elements no less than 0.3 m. When pulse front goes through the horizontal part of the field-forming system, the uniformity of distribution of electric field (Ez component) and magnetic field (Hy component) is no more than ±30% of the average value which equals ±1 dB. For the central part 2х2m2 (which is more than half of the horizontal part by width and height of FS), field nonuniformity is no more than ±15% which is ±0.6 dB. In the central cross section of the horizontal area, the nonuniformity is still lower and does not exceed ±0.3 dB in the square 2х2m2.
Method of simulation in COMSOL environment of the processes of propagation of EMP in stripline system of open type that can be used for any variant of stripline system is presented in the paper. The results of simulation showed that the requirements of the standard MIL-STD-461G on the degree of field uniformity of 6 dB are easily satisfied by any field-forming system with strip lines. It was shown that, to surely obtain a pulse front of 2 10-9 s and required amplitude, it is advantageous to raise the lower plate of the strip line field-forming system through a height 1 m above the surface of the ground. The field-forming system of the traditional type with transitional sections and horizontal central part is considered. The dimensions of the horizontal part are: the distance between the planes –3 m, the length – 5 m. In the area of working volume of the field-forming system, vectors of electric and magnetic field strength deflect from the plane of cross section through no more than 0.3 rad at the edges and no more than 0.05 rad in its centre. The waveform deviates from the wave of TEM-type through no more than 5% in the central area about 3 m in length and at the distance from the current-conducting elements no less than 0.3 m. When pulse front goes through the horizontal part of the field-forming system, the uniformity of distribution of electric field (Ez component) and magnetic field (Hy component) is no more than ±30% of the average value which equals ±1 dB. For the central part 2х2m2 (which is more than half of the horizontal part by width and height of FS), field nonuniformity is no more than ±15% which is ±0.6 dB. In the central cross section of the horizontal area, the nonuniformity is still lower and does not exceed ±0.3 dB in the square 2х2m2.
Бібліографічний опис
Князев В. В. Методика расчетной оценки пространственного распределения амплитудно-временных параметров электромагнитного импульса в полеобразующей системе полоскового типа / В. В. Князев, С. И. Мельник, С. П. Шаламов // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Техніка та електрофізика високих напруг = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : Technique and Electrophysics of High Voltage. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 38 (1260). – С. 18-32.