О напряженно-деформированном состоянии углепородного массива при разгрузке
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При анализе напряженно-деформированного состояния боковых пород в массиве, вмещающем горные выработки, в результате внезапных обрушений расслоившейся толщи или посадках пород кровли, необходимо учитывать вид и уровень напряжений, характер которых зависит от способа управления кровлей в очистном забое. В условиях, когда отношение длины зависающей породной консоли L, (м) к мощности пород непосредственной кровли h, (м) 5:1, при L <5 м и полном обрушении кровли, разрушение боковых пород будет происходить в результате действия максимальных касательных напряжений. При отношении длины зависающей породной консоли L, (м) к мощности пород непосредственной кровли h, (м) 10:1 и L> 10 м, когда позади очистного забоя обеспечиваются поддержание и плавный прогиб подработанной породной толщи, разрушение слоев происходит в результате изгибных деформаций.
The effectiveness of mining of coal seams and the safety of the introduction of mining operations in mines depends on the condition of the mine workings. The purpose of the present studies is to study the stability of the roof rocks of a coal seam, represented as a load-bearing beam structure under the action of dynamic loads, which, depending on the physical and mechanical properties, dimensions and shape of the cross-section of the girder beam, undergo a certain type and stress level, in depending on the way the roof is managed in the bottom face. When analyzing the stressed-deformed state of the lateral rocks in an array containing mining workings, as a result of sudden collapse of the stratified strata or plantings of roofing rocks, it is necessary to take into account the type and level of stresses, the nature of which depends on the method of controlling the roof in the stope hanging wall. Under the conditions when the ratio of the length of the hanging rock console L, (m) to the thickness of the rocks of the immediate roof h, (m) 5:1, at L <5 m and the complete collapse of the roof, the destruction of the lateral rocks will occur as a result of the action of the maximum tangential stresses. With a ratio of the length of the rock consoles L, (m) to the thickness of the rocks of the immediate roof h, (m) 10:1 and L> 10 m, when the maintenance and smooth deflection of the subsoil rock bed is ensured behind the extraction face, the fracture of the layers occurs as a result of flexural deformations. The parameters of the beam, as the main bearing element in the system under consideration, have a significant effect on the stability of mine workings, when shock loads are applied to the side rocks. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the physical and mechanical properties of the roof of the coal seam.
The effectiveness of mining of coal seams and the safety of the introduction of mining operations in mines depends on the condition of the mine workings. The purpose of the present studies is to study the stability of the roof rocks of a coal seam, represented as a load-bearing beam structure under the action of dynamic loads, which, depending on the physical and mechanical properties, dimensions and shape of the cross-section of the girder beam, undergo a certain type and stress level, in depending on the way the roof is managed in the bottom face. When analyzing the stressed-deformed state of the lateral rocks in an array containing mining workings, as a result of sudden collapse of the stratified strata or plantings of roofing rocks, it is necessary to take into account the type and level of stresses, the nature of which depends on the method of controlling the roof in the stope hanging wall. Under the conditions when the ratio of the length of the hanging rock console L, (m) to the thickness of the rocks of the immediate roof h, (m) 5:1, at L <5 m and the complete collapse of the roof, the destruction of the lateral rocks will occur as a result of the action of the maximum tangential stresses. With a ratio of the length of the rock consoles L, (m) to the thickness of the rocks of the immediate roof h, (m) 10:1 and L> 10 m, when the maintenance and smooth deflection of the subsoil rock bed is ensured behind the extraction face, the fracture of the layers occurs as a result of flexural deformations. The parameters of the beam, as the main bearing element in the system under consideration, have a significant effect on the stability of mine workings, when shock loads are applied to the side rocks. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the physical and mechanical properties of the roof of the coal seam.
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Бібліографічний опис
О напряженно-деформированном состоянии углепородного массива при разгрузке / И. В. Иорданов [и др.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. works. Ser. : New solutions in modern technologies. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. – № 9 (1285). – С. 22-30.