Контроль температуры масличного сырья в процессе тепловой обработки
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Исследован трехпараметровый вихретоковый метод измерительного контроля среднего диаметра dср. удельного электрического сопротивления ρt и температуры t образцов масличного сырья. Приведены основные соотношения, которые описывают данный метод измерительного контроля. Разработан алгоритм измерительных и расчетных процедур определения параметров образца масличного сырья на базе трансформаторного вихретокового преобразователя (ТВП). Приведена схема теплового ТВП, которая позволяет имитировать нагрев пробы масличного сырья в процессе совместного измерительного контроля трех параметров образца.
Investigated three-parameter eddy current method of measuring the average diameter control dm electrical resistivity ρt and temperature t samples of oilseeds. The basic relationships that describe this method of measuring control. The algorithm of the measurement and calculation procedures for the measurement of the sample on the basis of oilseeds transformer eddy probe TVP. The scheme of heat RTA which allows you to simulate the heating of the sample of oilseeds during the joint control of the measuring three parameters of the sample. Thus, the aim is to develop a method of measuring three parameters eddy current control of geometrical, electrical and thermal parameters of the sample on the basis of oilseeds heat transformer eddy probe TVP when simulating the process of heating at temperatures ranging from 20 °C to 160 °C, which corresponds to the process of thermal treatment of industrial. In this case, if you use a fixed frequency f, measured with the heating of the samples and to determine the temperature-dependent parameter xt taken from the test range, you can get a rational modes of heat eddy current device.
Investigated three-parameter eddy current method of measuring the average diameter control dm electrical resistivity ρt and temperature t samples of oilseeds. The basic relationships that describe this method of measuring control. The algorithm of the measurement and calculation procedures for the measurement of the sample on the basis of oilseeds transformer eddy probe TVP. The scheme of heat RTA which allows you to simulate the heating of the sample of oilseeds during the joint control of the measuring three parameters of the sample. Thus, the aim is to develop a method of measuring three parameters eddy current control of geometrical, electrical and thermal parameters of the sample on the basis of oilseeds heat transformer eddy probe TVP when simulating the process of heating at temperatures ranging from 20 °C to 160 °C, which corresponds to the process of thermal treatment of industrial. In this case, if you use a fixed frequency f, measured with the heating of the samples and to determine the temperature-dependent parameter xt taken from the test range, you can get a rational modes of heat eddy current device.
Бібліографічний опис
Контроль температуры масличного сырья в процессе тепловой обработки / В. В. Себко [и др.] // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Химия, химическая технология и экология. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 30 (1139). – С. 99-105.