Кафедра "Комп'ютерна математика і аналіз даних"
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Кафедра "Комп'ютерна математика і аналіз даних" заснована в 2002 році.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту комп'ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут", забезпечує підготовку бакалаврів і магістрів за проектно-орієнтованою освітньою програмою за напрямом науки про дані "DataScience".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора наук: 1 – технічних, 1 – фізико-математичних, 1 – педагогічних; 15 кандидатів наук: 10 – технічних, 4 – фізико-математичних, 1 – педагогічних; 3 співробітників мають звання професора, 9 – доцента.
Результати пошуку
Документ Analysis and development of compromise solutions in multicriteria transport tasks(Technology center PC, 2017) Raskin, Lev; Sira, Oksana; Parfeniuk, YuriiThe object of research is the multicriteria transport problem of linear programming. Simultaneous consideration of several criteria is a problematic problem, since the optimal solutions for different criteria do not coincide. The possible solution of the problem is investigated – finding a way to obtain a compromise solution. Based on the results of the analysis of known methods for solving multicriteria problems (Pareto-set formation, scalarization of the vector criterion, concessions method), the last is justified. To implement the method, an iterative procedure is suggested, in which the initial plan is optimal according to the main criterion. At subsequent iterations, an assignment is made to the main criterion in order to improve the values of the additional criteria. The solution of the problem is continued until a compromise solution is obtained, ensuring the best value for the main criterion, provided that the values for the remaining criteria are no worse than those given. Important advantages of the proposed method: the simplicity of the computational procedure, the grounded technology of forming a new solution at each iteration, realizing the concept of assignment, quality control of the solution obtained at each step. The application of the proposed method opens the prospect of its generalization to the case when the initial data for the solution of the problem contain uncertainty.Документ Development of methods for supply management in transportation networks under conditions of uncertainty of transportation cost values(Scientific Route, Estonia, 2021) Raskin, Lev; Sira, Oksana; Parfeniuk, Yurii; Bazilevych, KseniiaThe problem of transport management in a distributed logistics system «suppliers – consumers» is considered. Under the assumption of a random nature of transportation costs, an exact algorithm for solving this problem by a probabilistic criterion has been developed. This algorithm is implemented by an iterative procedure for sequential improvement of the transportation plan. The rate of convergence of a computational procedure to an exact solution depends significantly on the dimension of the problem and is unacceptably low in real problems. In this regard, an alternative method is proposed, based on reducing the original problem to solving a nontrivial problem of fractional-nonlinear programming. A method for solving this problem has been developed and substantiated. The corresponding computational algorithm reduces the fractional-nonlinear model to the quadratic one. The resulting problem is solved by known methods. Further, the original problem is supplemented by considering a situation that is important for practice, when in the conditions of a small sample of initial data there is no possibility of obtaining adequate analytical descriptions for the distribution densities of the random costs of transportation. In this case, the available volume of statistical material is sufficient only to estimate the first two moments of unknown distribution densities. For this marginal case, a minimax method for finding the transportation plan is proposed. The first step is to solve the problem of determining the worst distribution density with the given values of the first two moments. In the second step, the transportation plan is found, which is the best in this most unfavorable situation, when the distribution densities of the random cost of transportation are the worst. To find such densities, let’s use the modern mathematical apparatus of continuous linear programming.Документ Universal method for solving optimization problems under the conditions of uncertainty in the initial data(Technology center PC, 2021) Raskin, Lev; Sira, Oksana; Sukhomlyn, Larysa; Parfeniuk, YuriiThis paper proposes a method to solve a mathematical programming problem under the conditions of uncertainty in the original data.The structural basis of the proposed method for solving optimization problems under the conditions of uncertainty is the function of criterion value distribution, which depends on the type of uncertainty and the values of the problem’s uncertain variables. In the case where independent variables are random values, this function then is the conventional theoretical-probabilistic density of the distribution of the random criterion value; if the variables are fuzzy numbers, it is then a membership function of the fuzzy criterion value. The proposed method, for the case where uncertainty is described in the terms of a fuzzy set theory, is implemented using the following two-step procedure. In the first stage, using the membership functions of the fuzzy values of criterion parameters, the values for these parameters are set to be equal to the modal, which are fitted in the analytical expression for the objective function. The resulting deterministic problem is solved. The second stage implies solving the problem by minimizing the comprehensive criterion, which is built as follows. By using an analytical expression for the objective function, as well as the membership function of the problem’s fuzzy parameters, applying the rules for operations over fuzzy numbers, one finds a membership function of the criterion’s fuzzy value. Next, one calculates a measure of the compactness of the resulting membership function of the fuzzy value of the problem’s objective function whose numerical value defines the first component of the integrated criterion. The second component is the rate of deviation of the desired solution to the problem from the previously received modal one. Absolutely similarly designed is the computational procedure for the case where uncertainty is described in the terms of a probability theory. Thus, the proposed method for solving optimization problems is universal in relation to the nature of the uncertainty in the original data. An important advantage of the proposed method is the ability to use it when solving any problem of mathematical programming under the conditions of fuzzily assigned original data, regardless of its nature, structure, and type.