Кафедра "Технологія кераміки, вогнетривів, скла та емалей"

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/7480

Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/ceramic

Кафедра "Технологія кераміки, вогнетривів, скла та емалей", первісна назва – кафедра силікатів, була створена в 1926 році в складі Харківського Хіміко-технологічного інституту.

Першим завідувачем кафедри (1926 – 1941 рр.) та засновником наукової школи був вчений зі світовим ім'ям, тричі Лауреат Державних премій, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки, академік АН УССР і член-кореспондент АН СССР, доктор технічних наук, професор Петро Петрович Будніков. Підготовка спеціалістів з силікатних технологій була започаткована в 1910 році на кафедрі мінеральної сировини під керівництвом академіка Єгора Івановича Орлова.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту хімічних технологій та інженерії Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 5 докторів та 3 кандидата технічних наук; 4 співробітника мають звання професора, 3 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 5
  • Ескіз
    Alkali-earth element aluminates and chromites cement bonded refractory castables
    (The editorial committee of China's refractories, 2016) Shabanova, G. N.; Korohodska, A. M.
    This scientific paper gives the data of theoretical and experimental research done to solve the scientific and practical problem related to the establishment of theoretical basics and the development of the technology for the production of refractory castables of high strength, high refractoriness and hostile environment resistance on the basis of aluminates and chromites of alkaliearth elements due to the well-directed formation of the phase composition and the structure of clinker, cement stone and castables. The conceptual principles of the formation of such materials are based on the primary thermodynamically advantageous coexistence of the special-purpose combinations of phases in the subsolidus structure of the multicomponent subsystems of the oxide system (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)O – Al₂O₃ – Cr₂O₃. The obtained data allow for the development of highstrength refractory alumochromite cements and castables based on them. Specific features of the behavior of phase formation processes and the hydration of alumochromite cements, including the structure formation during the castable service have been studied.
  • Ескіз
    Synthesis of specific binding on the base of the aluminate and chromate alkaline earth elements
    (2014) Korogodskaya, A. N.; Shabanova, G. N.
  • Ескіз
    Refinement of the subsolidus structure of the four-component system Fe₂O₃–CaO–Al₂O₃–Cr₂O₃
    (Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, 2019) Shabanova, G. N.; Korohodska, A. N.; Deviatova, N. B.
    The article describes the structure of the ternary subsystems of the four-component system CaO–Al₂O₃–Fe₂O₃–Cr₂O₃ . The calculations were performed with regard to three-component compounds. A tetrahedron of the four-component system CaO–Al₂O₃– Fe₂O₃–Cr₂O₃ has been plotted. The lengths of conodes and volumes of elementary tetrahedra were calculated. To study the relationship between elementary tetrahedra, a topological graph was constructed which allows using the obtained data in the study of oil-well cements based on this system. It has been established that the tetrahedron CaCr₂O₄–CaFe₂O₄–CaAl₂O₄–Ca₄Al₂Fe₂O₁₀ has the least degree of asymmetry (1.87), excluding some tetrahedra with simple oxides. The phases forming this tetrahedron most likely exist in the CaO– Al₂O₃–Cr₂O₃–Fe₂O₃ system. This will permit developing a sustainable process to fabricate oil-well cement materials based on the calcium aluminum-chromium cement without the use of special techniques to ensure high accuracy of dosing the initial components. In addition, when designing the compositions of binding materials, it is necessary to avoid the ternary compound localization area, because its coexistence with CaO will lead to the formation of portlandite in the cement clinker and to a significant decrease in the strength.
  • Ескіз
    Modified alumina cement with high service properties
    (The editorial committee of China's refractories, 2016) Logvinkov, S. M.; Shabanova, G. N.; Korohodska, A. M.; Khrystych, E. V.
    This scientific paper gives consideration to the information on the contemporary structure of binary systems and three-component CaO – Al₂O₃ – ZrO₂ system required to select rational parameters for the synthesis of cementing agents. The production process of experimental clinker that has a Ca₇Al₆ZrO₁₈ composition has been described. The data of X-ray phase analysis and petrographic analysis of the experimental composition of special cement have been given and the reasons for availability of inappropriate phases have been analyzed. The processes of hydration hardening of the cement stone have been studied and the data of differential thermal analysis were used for the establishment of the hydration mechanism for basic crystal phases in the cement clinker composition. The differences in the hydration processes of experimental special cement were analyzed in comparison with known mechanisms. A possibility of the exploitation of special binder in contact with ZrO2 ( CaO–stabilized ) was tested using the specimens of fine concrete that were subjected to thermal treatment in different modes. The physical and mechanical properties of specimens and the mineralogical composition of concretes were given based on the data of X-ray analysis and the petrographic analysis. The cement additive was selected and its amount in the concrete composition was defined to slow-down the hardening and the mixture plasticization time. The relationships of physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete specimens were defined experimentally as a function of granulometric composition of the filler and thermal treatment temperature. The investigation data of corrosion resistance obtained using the static method were used to find out if experimental concretes can operate in contact with the steel-smelting alkaline slag.
  • Ескіз
    Secondary resources recycling in building and refractory binders technology
    (Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури, 2016) Nagorniy, A. O.; Shabanova, G. N.; Korohodska, A. M.; Gaponova, O. O.
    The binders manufacture requires continuous expenditures of natural raw while there is a lack of relatively pure raw sources. Latest ten year analysis of limestone chemical content changing at the cement plants shows that limestone raw contains some impurities enabling to cause the long-time strength reducing. Thus, the traditional raw substitution along with the various industrial waste utilization problems is urgent in connection with a rising necessity to extend the raw base and to improve the ecological situation in Ukraine. Beside at the moment the million tons of waste are being accumulated and every year their amount rises.