Кафедра "Українська мова"

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2352

Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/lingvo

Сучасна назва – кафедра "Українська мова", попередня назва – кафедра української, російської мов та прикладної лінгвістики (від 2005), первісна – кафедра російської мови (від 1954 року).

Науково-педагогічні працівники кафедри викладають для українських студентів різних спеціальностей дисципліни "Українська мова" та "Лексикографія", а для студентів-іноземців – дисципліни "Мова професійного навчання (українська)" та "Українська мова як іноземна".

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту міжнародної освіти Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 1 доктор педагогічних наук, 3 кандидата філологічних наук, 2 – історичних наук, 1 – філософських наук; 4 співробітника мають звання доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 3 з 3
  • Ескіз
    Implementation of visual mind mapping strategy to improve students' language competence
    (Universidade Estadual do Ceará, 2023) Derbak, Olha; Pak, Antonina; Holubieva, Iryna; Cherniavska, S. M.; Pysarska, N. V.
    The opportunities of the educational process can be expanded through the use of innovative mechanisms. The aim of the work is to determine the effectiveness of teaching as a result of implementing the Visual Mind Mapping strategy to improve students' foreign language competence. The general theoretical method of comparison, calculation of the concordance coefficient, the efficiency coefficient, and the WhitneyWilk test enabled us to achieve the aim. We ensured learning through educational mechanisms, which included visualizing information and developing intellectual activity. We also provided the study of new words, the use of digital technologies (Writer, Rosetta Stone, Busuu), the development of communication skills, and the enhancement of professional skills. It was found among students that using Visual Mind Mapping contributes to obtaining a high level of knowledge in a shorter time. Focusing on the Kirkpatrick model made it possible to establish that most students acquired a high level of foreign language competence after testing their knowledge. The students have a positive attitude to learning using Visual Mind Mapping. The practical significance of the article is the possibility of involving innovative technologies for learning a foreign language. The prospects of further research are to compare learning effectiveness using Visual Mind Mapping for junior and senior year students.
  • Ескіз
    Influence of electrical parameters of the micro-arc oxidation mode on the structure and properties of coatings
    (Institute for Single Crystals, 2022) Subbotina, V.; Bilozerov, V.; Subbotin, O.; Barmin, O.; Hryhorieva, S.; Pysarska, N. V.
    The influence of different power sources of the micro-arc oxidation process on the peculiarities of structure formation and properties of coatings on aluminum alloy AB formed in alkali-silicate electrolyte in the anode-cathode mode is investigated. It is shown that the pulse technology and the anode-cathode mode make it possible to form coatings containing mainly oxides of the α-Al₂O₃ type (corundum) with a high growth rate. It has been established that with a small thickness of the oxide layer, the rate of heat removal both to the metal and to the electrolyte is high; this fact promotes the formation of alumina in the form of the γ-Al₂O₃ phase. The energy concentration in the thick oxidizing layer causes the formation of high-temperature modification of α-Al₂O₃. It is shown that the mechanism of α-Al₂O₃ formation is determined by two factors: the energy difference in the formation of γ-Al₂O₃ and α-Al₂O₃ phases, and the polymorphic high-temperature transformation of γ-Al₂O₃→α-Al₂O₃ in the high-temperature region of the arc discharge.
  • Ескіз
    History of development of the production association "Kharkiv Tractor Plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze" and related enterprises
    (Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, 2022) Pysarska, N. V.
    The issue of the Kharkiv region tractor manufacturing industry enterprises functioning in the conditions of creation of production associations is considered. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprises’ production associations that manufactured tractors and their parts in the Kharkiv region. The number of materials of the study has been analyzed; the bulk of such materials from the State Archives of the Kharkiv region. The activity of Kharkiv Tractor and Lozova Forging and Mechanical Plants, as well as other enterprises of the tractor manufacturing industry of Kharkiv Region, has been considered in detail. The research focuses on the quality of products manufactured by enterprises, the reasons for the productivity gap here and there are indicated. The issue of combating rejection at the Kharkiv region tractor manufacturing industry has been covered. Attention was drawn to the gradual growth of product quality. It was pointed that the tractor’s industry has not always been rhythmic, as the related companies had not done always provided quality parts and had not done it on time. It was determined that the main model of the tractor manufactured by the Kharkiv Tractor Plant for a long time remained as the T‑150 tractor and its modifications, that it was primarily related to the slowdown in the manufacturing of new, more advanced models of tractors.