Кафедра "Право"
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Кафедра "Право" створена в 1998 році задля розширення та поглиблення правових знань серед студентської молоді. Це був перший досвід створення правової кафедри у технічному закладі вищому освіти. Раніше правові дисципліни викладалися на кафедрі "Соціологія та право".
Першою завідувачкою кафедри "Право" стала Перевалова Людмила Вікторівна, кандидат філософських наук, на той час доцент.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 5 кандидатів юридичних, філософських, педагогічних та економічних наук; 5 співробітників мають звання доцента.
Результати пошуку
Публікація Determination of lost profits of rightholders from counterfeit goods(Сумський державний університет, 2017) Kosenko, Aleksandra Petrovna; Tkachev, Maksim Mikhailovich; Kobielieva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Tkacheva, Nadezhda PetrovnaThe processes of exclusive rights violation of the manufacturers of original (licensed) products on the technological market are investigated. It is proposed methodical approaches concerning economic valuation of the amount of lost profits of the rights holders (licensees) in violation of intellectual property rights, the amount of which is firstly connected by the authors with the degree of use the copyright of their manufacturing facilities. It is developed a block-structured approach to the definition of missed potential opportunities of right holders and it is proposed economic and mathematical models for their determination.Документ Modeling the marketing characteristics of market capacity for electrical automation(Сумський державний університет, 2017) Pererva, P. G.; Kobielieva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Tkachev, Maksim; Tkacheva, NadezhdaThe article is a continuation of scientific development, the beginning of which the authors presented in the previous room. Questions of simulation of electrical characteristics of marketing automation without separate technological purposes. As the object of study selected different types of low-voltage equipment. It is proved that the most important marketing characteristics of the products the electrical business Park is articles, which are currently in operation. Existing methodical approaches to the definition of industry Park electrical automation do not provide the required accuracy of calculations. They do not fully take into account the age structure of the main technological equipment for automation of work of which is intended for electrical automation. The technique of determining industry Park, products which do not have independent technological purposes, the use of indicators of the age structure of technological equipment. For example, different groups of low-voltage equipment of the basic steps of this methodology. Suggestions the authors suggest the partition of the whole technological equipment for the three age groups and conduct separate calculations for each of them. The final coefficients of the applicability of electrical automation at the unit of technological equipment are determined based on the specific weight of each age group in the total industry Park of technological equipment. All theoretical concepts are accompanied by detailed examples of calculations.Документ Determination of marketing characteristics of market capacity for electrical automation(Сумський державний університет, 2017) Pererva, P. G.; Kobielieva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Tkachev, Maksim; Tkacheva, NadezhdaThe problems of determining the marketing characteristics of the market products capacity do not have independent technological purposes. As the object of study selected electrical automation. It is proved that the most important characteristic of the market capacity of goods are the demand for them, which consists of several components. To determine the requirements for electrical automation and maintenance of technological equipment under operation, you need to know the industry Park. The technique of determining industry Park, products which do not have independent technological purpose and which are not maintained inventory records, for example, electrical automation of the basic steps of this methodology. The proposals of the authors based on the determination coefficients the applicability of certain types of electrical automation equipment per unit of basic technological equipment of machine-building industries.Публікація Financial and technological leverage in the system of economic evaluation of innovative technologies(Харківський навчально-науковий інститут "Університет банківської справи", 2017) Pererva, P. G.; Kosenko, A. P.; Kobielieva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Tkachev, Maksim Mikhailovich; Tkacheva, Nadezhda PetrovnaThe article examines the conceptual, theoretical and methodological guidelines for economic evaluation of innovative technologies through financial and technological leverage. The concept of financial-technological linkage was developed with the aim of establishing a relationship between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the enterprise. The authors have developed measurement technology and the use of technological linkage as a tool for assessing commercial potential of new technologies, which allows establishing a link between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the engineering enterprise. It is proved that the concept of technological linkage explains how the creation of new technologies can raise the value of the business, exceeding significantly the value of the underlying technological innovations taken in isolation. In addition, there is a real possibility of effective monitoring of the economic impact (need, usage, efficiency) from the use of development, the exclusive rights which are at the disposal of the enterprise. Determined that the level of commercial potential of intellectual technology is not limited only to the influence of technological leverage. The potential power can be represented as a dependence of the level of commercial potential of several very important factors that act in parallel. They proposed to include the following, the most important components of the level of commercial potential of innovative technology: the lever of the early stages of the life cycle of an innovative product; the lever of the developer technological innovations; financial leverage. The effect of financial and technological leverage depends on innovation activity and innovation capacity of the enterprise–the developer of a technological product. Its value is usually higher for industries with higher technological level of production, which is very typical for innovative enterprises.