Кафедра "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища"

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2354

Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/safetyofliving

Від 2020 року кафедра має назву "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища", попередня назва – "Охорона праці та навколишнього середовища", первісна назва – кафедра "Охорона праці".

Кафедра "Охорона праці" була створена в 1963 році. Першим її завідувачем був доцент Наумов С. С., який очолював кафедру протягом 1963-1970 років.

За час існування кафедри, крізь її "стіни" пройшло понад 70 тисяч студентів.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 25 викладачів, серед яких 2 доктора технічних наук, 17 – кандидатів технічних, біологічних та психологічних наук, 1 – доктор філософії, 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 14 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 1 з 1
  • Ескіз
    Formation of health culture and self-preservation behavior of young people in the system of higher professional education
    (Громадська наукова організація "Всеукраїнська асамблея докторів наук з державного управління", 2023) Polezhaieva, O. V.; Movmyga, N. E.
    Human health has always been a socially significant element that most acutely determines the peculiarities of modern society state, as evidenced by the results of numerous sociological studies. It is known that health is the most important value both in the life of an individual and of the whole society. In this regard, since ancient times, various aspects of health maintaining and strengthening, formation of the foundations of self-preservation behavior and a culture of health have been studied in medicine, philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Today, there is a progressive aggravation in the health of all population groups, but the health of young people is of a particular concern, which is associated with a significant decrease in the number of this population category, deterioration of their somatic, mental and reproductive health. Health in modern society is considered as a global problem, which at the level of society determines the possibilities for survival and at the individual level as the possibilities of an individual for self-preservation, self-knowledge and self-actualization. First of all, it is about the formation of a complex of qualities and abilities of an individual, which is aimed at self-development and connected not only with the desire to occupy a certain social position, which will allow an individual to realize himself as a social subject, revealing and improving his potential, but also to live a full life and bring a great benefit to society. Today young generation is left without reliable social reference points. The destruction of traditional forms of socialization increased the personal responsibility of young people for their fate, putting them in front of the necessity of choice, revealed the unwillingness of most of them to join new social relations. Modern social realities require a qualitative understanding of a place and role of health and self-preservation behavior in the system of values, analysis of value orientations and life practices of students as agents of social change. Such a view of the problem will open opportunities for a deeper understanding of the most significant determinants of a healthy lifestyle, differences and similarities in everyday behavior of this social group, formation of dominant self-preservation behaviors that can be formed through education. Possessing the basics of health and self-preservation behavior is the main value of young generation and requires the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge and skills acquired at the beginning of socialization in an educational establishment. It is what this article is dedicated to.