Кафедра "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища"
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Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/safetyofliving
Від 2020 року кафедра має назву "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища", попередня назва – "Охорона праці та навколишнього середовища", первісна назва – кафедра "Охорона праці".
Кафедра "Охорона праці" була створена в 1963 році. Першим її завідувачем був доцент Наумов С. С., який очолював кафедру протягом 1963-1970 років.
За час існування кафедри, крізь її "стіни" пройшло понад 70 тисяч студентів.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 25 викладачів, серед яких 2 доктора технічних наук, 17 – кандидатів технічних, біологічних та психологічних наук, 1 – доктор філософії, 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 14 – доцента.
Результати пошуку
Документ Assessing technogenic risk of emergency situations at fuel and lubricant facilities(Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 2024) Yujun, Liu; Yevtushenko, NataliiaПублікація Education in the field of civil security in the post-war period(H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2024) Yevtushenko, Nataliia; Semenov, Yevhenii OleksandrovychПублікація Preparing for civil security challenges in post-conflict environments(H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2024) Yevtushenko, Nataliia; Tverdokhliebova, NataliaПублікація Integration of personal safety in students training on the specialty "civil safety" at technical institutions of higher education(2024) Yevtushenko, Nataliia; Tverdokhliebova, NataliaSecurity is considered a legitimate goal of every society. In recent years of the pandemic and then the war in Ukraine, the issue of the security paradigm has become particularly relevant. It prompts a revision of conceptual approaches to the formation of human personal security competencies and especially the mechanisms and ways of ensuring it in society and the state in the present conditions. Therefore, in theory, national and international security concepts are being developed, and more recently, individual, social, and global security. This indicates, among other things, a significant expansion of new dimensions of security when political independence, territorial integrity, and viability of the country, as well as the survival and development of its inhabitants, are at stake. Security in itself should have the status of a fundamental human right. Many publicly discussed security issues are related to technical solutions. Debates are underway not only about society's attitude to security, but also about what research and for what purpose it is conducting or has conducted in this direction. This also applies to the educational environment. The article defines and substantiates the principles of the formation of personal safety of students, provides an essential characteristic of the pedagogical process of formation of personal safety of students, considers the technology of formation of personal safety of students based on the competence approach, reveals the content of the competences of the individual in the sphere of life safety. The purpose of this article is to study the process of forming the personal safety of students in the system of professional education in higher technical institutions of a technical profile. The methodology on which the research is grounded is based on the methodological principles of systematicity and an interdisciplinary approach and includes the use of a complex of general scientific methods, namely explanation, comparison, classification, generalization, and systematization. Based on them, a model of forming students' competencies in the life safety field was built. Within the framework of our research, the following results were achieved: the views of scientists on the issue of the formation of security competencies among students in the new context of the construction of Ukrainian society in conditions of war were summarized; the principles of forming students' personal safety based on the competence approach are substantiated; tasks for the development of students' competencies in the field of life safety are formulated; a structural model of students' competencies and the process of their formation in the field of life safety was built. The conclusions allow us to state that the problem of security is complex and multifaceted, since conflicts, wars or unstable state structures often have not only local significance, but also global consequences due to a closely interconnected and globalized world. The formation of personal safety competencies in students as future specialists is important as a basis for self-preservation, self-development and self-improvement. For this purpose, educational professional programs of technical universities should include fundamental educational disciplines that will ensure the development of worldview principles of life safety and determine generally accepted safety needs and generally recognized safety mechanisms.Публікація Metodological instructions for practical work "Analysis of the company's availability of labour resources" from the educational discipline "Organizational and technical support of the audit on occupational safety of workplaces in the field of labor protection"(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia; Yevtushenko, NataliiaDespite the increasing influence of computer and production technologies on society, the organizer of any activity remains a person. Therefore, a key element of the production strategy at the enterprise is the design of the labor process, taking into account the costs of alternative solutions for the enterprise and employees. The purpose of the design of the labor process is the determination of the content and methods of work, the creation of a productive workplace, the improvement of production systems, their interaction taking into account the requirements of the technological process, the principles of rational organization of work and meeting the needs of performers.Документ Rational risk management when issuing personal protective equipment at mechanical engineering enterprises(Львівський державний університет безпеки життєдіяльності, 2024-03-28) Liu, Yujun; Yevtushenko, NataliiaAccording to the oil depot safety accident mechanism, depot safety management factors can be divided into four categories: human factors (including personnel safety and responsibility consciousness, quality), factors (type of oil, equipment status), environmental factors (natural environment and social environment), management factors (management standards, management methods). These factors are divided into multiple indicators for specific analysis in the safety evaluation. This paper introduces the present situation of oil depot safety management through the element analysis.Документ Application of digital technologies in activity educational institutions of higher technical education(Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного, 2024-05-29) Yevtushenko, Nataliia; Ponomarenko, Olga; Sukhenko, OlgaThe work systematizes concepts that characterize the need to implement transformation processes in education, which involve updating the knowledge system and the need for a teacher in an educational organization to adapt to changes in interpersonal interaction using digital technologies. The essential characteristics of the used digital technologies are described, which predetermines the creation by the teacher in the educational electronic environment of conditions for active learning activities of students.Публікація Ways to ensuring psychological safety of personality in a big city(Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 2024) Tverdokhliebova, N. Ye.; Yevtushenko, NataliiaThe psychological safety of an individual in a big city is a significant factor in his successful self-realization and personalization. Being realized through the subject's awareness of his ability to overcome adverse external and internal actions, it acts as one of the main prerequisites for achieving subjective well-being in all areas as the basis of sustainable personal and professional development.Публікація Aspects of the importance of using a NATO standard individual first aid kit in wartime(Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2024) Tverdokhliebova, N. Ye.; Yevtushenko, NataliiaWartime is always accompanied by significant risks to the life and health of the military and civilians. One of the key factors that ensure successful care and rescue of the wounded is properly equipped NATO-standard medical kits.Публікація Creation of a safe educational environment for ukrainian youth during war conditions(Ха́рківський націона́льний педагогі́чний університе́т імені Григорія Сковороди, 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia; Yevtushenko, NataliiaThe migration processes in Ukraine have become especially intense in recent years. On the one hand, they are a serious challenge for the education of young people, but, on the other hand, they represent an opportunity for their development, although they require legal support and regulation. The purpose of this article is to study the main psychological reactions to life threatening situations that can affect the psychological well-being of children and youth under martial law in order to develop recommendations for overcoming stress in the process of adaptation to new conditions of existence in a new country and integration into a new educational environment.