Кафедра "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища"

Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2354

Офіційний сайт кафедри http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/safetyofliving

Від 2020 року кафедра має назву "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища", попередня назва – "Охорона праці та навколишнього середовища", первісна назва – кафедра "Охорона праці".

Кафедра "Охорона праці" була створена в 1963 році. Першим її завідувачем був доцент Наумов С. С., який очолював кафедру протягом 1963-1970 років.

За час існування кафедри, крізь її "стіни" пройшло понад 70 тисяч студентів.

Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".

У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 25 викладачів, серед яких 2 доктора технічних наук, 17 – кандидатів технічних, біологічних та психологічних наук, 1 – доктор філософії, 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 14 – доцента.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Ескіз
    Metodological instructions for practical work "Analysis of the company's availability of labour resources" from the educational discipline "Organizational and technical support of the audit on occupational safety of workplaces in the field of labor protection"
    (National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia; Yevtushenko, Nataliia
    Despite the increasing influence of computer and production technologies on society, the organizer of any activity remains a person. Therefore, a key element of the production strategy at the enterprise is the design of the labor process, taking into account the costs of alternative solutions for the enterprise and employees. The purpose of the design of the labor process is the determination of the content and methods of work, the creation of a productive workplace, the improvement of production systems, their interaction taking into account the requirements of the technological process, the principles of rational organization of work and meeting the needs of performers.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for control work on the discipline "First emergency premedical aid in emergency situations"
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia
    The discipline "First emergency premedical aid in emergency situations" is an integral part of the educational and professional program for bachelors in the specialty 263 - "Civil Security". The purpose of the discipline is theoretical and practical training of students to provide first aid to the affected population in emergency situations.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for independent work on the discipline "First emergency premedical aid in emergency situations"
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia
    This methodological development involves students performing educational tasks in accordance with the individual curriculum in the discipline “First Emergency Medical Care in Emergency Situations", which corresponds to the final specific learning outcomes.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for independent work "Assessment of the situation in case of destruction of buildings and structures. Part 2"
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Vambol, S. O.; Mezentseva, I. O.; Ilyinska, O. I.; Yevtushenko, N. S.
    These methodological instructions are intended for the independent work of students studying the discipline "Technological and ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity" in order to clarify the methodology for calculating the assessment of the situation in case of destruction of buildings and structures. According to the study and work plans of the specialty 263, the educational program of the II (master's) level of higher education "Occupational safety", as part of the study of the mandatory professional discipline "Technogenetic-ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity", students are expected to independently perform the calculation task. Methodical instructions contain practical tasks that will help students to master the modern problems of emergency situations. Independent work of students of higher education is a form of organization of the educational process, which ensures their mastery of educational material in the time free from compulsory educational classes. The existence of this form of organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education is provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (Article 50). The content of the independent work of a student of higher education in the academic discipline "Technogenetic-ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity" is determined by its program, these methodical instructions for independent work, tasks and instructions of the teacher.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for independent work "Assessment of the situation in the event of an accident on water objects. Part 1"
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Vambol, S. O.; Mezentseva, I. O.; Ilyinska, O. I.; Yevtushenko, N. S.
    These methodological instructions are intended for the independent work of students studying the discipline "Technological and ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity" in order to clarify the methodology for calculating the assessment of the situation in the event of an accident on water bodies. According to the study and work plans of the specialty 263, the educational program of the II (master's) level of higher education "Occupational safety", as part of the study of the mandatory professional discipline "Technogenetic-ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity", students are expected to independently perform the calculation task. Methodical instructions contain practical tasks that will help students to master the modern problems of emergency situations. Independent work of students of higher education is a form of organization of the educational process, which ensures their mastery of educational material in the time free from compulsory educational classes. The existence of this form of organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education is provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (Article 50). The content of the independent work of a student of higher education in the academic discipline "Technogenetic-ecological safety in the conditions of industrial and economic activity" is determined by its program, these methodical instructions for independent work, tasks and instructions of the teacher.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for independent work "Calculations of dangerous zones, protective fences and safety devices"
    (Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Mezentseva, I. O.; Vambol, S. O.; Yevtushenko, S. O.; Ilyinska, O. I.
    Each dangerous production factor has two main characteristics - the zone of action, which is called dangerous, and the time of action. A dangerous zone is a space in which a dangerous and (or) harmful production factor is likely to affect an employee. During work at height, the area located below the work platform is considered a dangerous zone; during the operation of lifting machines (electric hoist, crane beam), the dangerous zone is determined by the distance of the possible departure of the load in the event of a break in one of the slings. Permanent danger zones exist or arise in chain, belt or gear transmissions, when processing parts on lathes, circular saws and sharpening machines, near cutting tools, working bodies of many machines, near presses, pneumatic and hydraulic hammers, stamping machines, under machines and platforms , lifted using a hydraulic or other lifting system. The dimensions of the dangerous zone in space can be constant (the zone between the rollers, the belt and the pulley) and variable (the cutting zone when changing the mode and nature of processing, changing the cutting tool, etc.). The presence of a dangerous zone can be caused by the danger of electric shock, as well as the impact of thermal, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, noise, vibration, ultrasound, harmful vapors and gases, dust, the possibility of injury by flying particles of the material, tool, the flight of the processed part, etc. 5 When designing and operating technological equipment, it is necessary to provide for the use of devices that either exclude the possibility of human contact with the dangerous zone, or reduce this danger.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions for performance of control work "Observance of ecological indicators for maintenance of labor safety at performance of works at the enterprise" on educational discipline "Fundamentals of ecology"
    (National technical university "Kharkov politechnical institute", 2024) Yevtushenko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Tverdokhliebova, Natalia Yevheniivna
    The aim is to provide students with the knowledge of modern requirements, which will allow them to address the issues of effective environmental management and protection of the environment from negative pressures and the development of environmentally friendly technologies, as well as to help raise future engineers' environmental awareness and level of environmental knowledge. Having mastered the program of the discipline "Fundamentals of Ecology", future professionals must be able to solve professional problems taking into account the requirements of labor protection and have the following basic professional competencies: ability to apply knowledge and skills in the use of information and communication technologies in practice.
  • Ескіз
    Methodical instructions to independent work of students on the discipline "Organizational and technical support of audit on professional safety of workplaces in the field of occupational safety"
    (2023) Yevtushenko, N. S.; Tverdokhliebova, Natalia
    Organization of an audit of occupational safety of workplaces, laboratory studies of working conditions, assessment of technical condition of production equipment for certification of workplaces for compliance with regulations on labor protection in the manner and time prescribed by law, and the results of measures to eliminate dangerous and harmful to health of industrial factors will contribute to improving occupational safety and health.