Кафедра "Гуманітарні науки"

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Увага! Поповнення колекції кафедри "Гуманітарні науки" тимчасово, від травня 2023 року, призупинено.

Кафедра "Гуманітарні науки" існує від 1973 року.

Більшість фахівців кафедри викладали в різних країнах світу – в Австрії, Великобританії, Швеції, Іспанії, Італії, Сірії, Шрі-Ланці, Монголії, Алжирі, Афганістані, Гвінеї, Судані, на Кубі і Мадагаскарі.


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 10
  • Ескіз
    Word formation activity when learning the life sciences terms in Russian as a foreign language classes
    (Редакційно-видавничий відділ Центральноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка, 2019) Krysenko, Tetiana; Sukhanova, Tetiana
  • Ескіз
    The Aktionsarten as a lacuna for RFL learners
    (ВД "Гельветика", 2021) Nagaitseva, N. I.; Romanov, Yu. O.
    The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the Aktionsarten; despite diversity and large volume, they are not covered by existing RFL (Russian as a foreign language) programs. Semantic and structural types of verbs that demonstrate a change in the meaning of a motivating prefixless verb in terms of expressing temporal, quantitative, and terminative characteristics of an action after adding appropriate affixes to it are considered to be Aktionsarten. Most Aktionsarten are formed from imperfective verbs by adding certain prefixes (and in the case at hand, the postfix -ся) resulting in Aktionsarten related to the perfective aspect. An insignificant number of Aktionsarten formed with the help of imperfect suffixes -ва-, -ив(а)-, -ыв(а)- refer to the imperfective aspect. The concept of Aktionsart was introduced by the Swedish linguist S. Agrell to designate the semantic functions of prefixed verbs which clarify the nature of the action; he was the first to distinguish the category of the aspect of a verb from the category of Aktionsart. Further study of the nature of the course of action and aspects expanded the understanding of the term: Aktionsarten are correlated not only with prefix verb formations but also with all verb derivatives formed with the help of other word-formation means (prefixes, suffixes, postfixes, and their combination). This article considers the meaning of semantic and derivational groups of verbs distinguished on the basis of temporal, quantitative, and terminative characteristics. With this approach, the concept of Aktionsart is not applicable to the entire verb vocabulary; this is the case of verbs that are verbal derivatives (their derivational formants are considered to be modification formants). The article attempts to minimize (for the purposes of RFL teaching) the number of Aktionsarten and provide lists of the most commonly used and semantically transparent verbs with rich word-formation potential; examples of their use in a poetic context are meant to interest students in literary works; the effective learning of Aktionsarten undoubtedly opens new opportunities for international students in RFL acquisition.
  • Ескіз
    Language of mathematics in L2 teaching
    (Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2020) Romanov, Yu. O.; Lapuzina, O. M.
    This article is devoted to the problem of studying language of Mathematics which aims to teach a second language (in particular, scientific style) to international students learning Mathematics in Russian. Thematic justification of the study is determined by constantly increasing needs of students in mastering the skills of scientific style of speech which are a key priority for achieving a number of important educational goals (reading scientific and technical literature, writing scientific articles, participating in international conferences, etc.). There are two lines of research concerning languages in their relation to Mathematics teaching. One group of researchers consider a language to be a tool for interpretation of mathematical problems, while others do not speak about language as such, but rather about discourse taking place in Mathematics classroom. In case when L2 is a language of instruction, it is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) that provides (in addition to unconditional knowledge of the subject) not only linguistic but also communicative competence. The article gives a general characteristic of mathematical language (abstraction, consistency, accuracy, objectivity, saturation with factual information), its phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic peculiarities (the way of Russian pronunciation of Latin and Greek letters and mathematical expressions, reading of cardinal and ordinals numbers, mathematical symbols, fractional numbers, etc.; use of terms; use of singular instead of plural, tendency to grammaticalization of verbs, use of passive voice; frequent use of word combinations "adjective + noun" and "noun + noun in Genitive Case"; presence of different types of complex sentences, in particular with the use of subordinating conjunctions); many examples are given. Teaching mathematical language as part of scientific style of speech involves a clear coordination of educational activities of teacher of Mathematics and L2 teacher: the former introduces supportive notes in their discipline for adequate perception of lecture material by students, and the second develops the necessary lexical and grammatical supplement to these notes. The article gives an example of lexical and grammatical supplement on the topic "Arithmetic Operations. Mathematical Signs" used in pre-lecture preparation of international students. This approach improves listening comprehension and communication skills of students, ensures making fewer grammar mistakes, encourages scientific research, and helps in professional communication in general.
  • Ескіз
    Presentation of singularia and pluralia tantum nouns in a course of Russian as a foreign language
    (Гельветика, 2020) Nagaitseva, N. I.; Romanov, Yu.
    This article considers singularia and pluralia tantum nouns; despite the absence of this topic in programs on teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL), it must be acknowledged that singularia tantum nouns constitute a significant layer of vocabulary and are quite commonly used, and pluralia tantum nouns are closely linked to cultural discourse and cannot be painlessly excluded from lexical system of the Russian language. Although this phenomenon has been thoroughly studied in classical editions of Russian grammar, problems of category of number and in particular singularia and pluralia tantum nouns are still widely discussed by modern linguists (as is noted, complex subjects can be designated both as forms of singular and forms of plural, therefore the three groups of nouns can be found: pluralia tantum (a single object indicated by plural: ворота), a full-numbered paradigm (one object is indicated by singular: ракушка), and nouns with a paradigm fluctuation (one object is indicated by both singular and plural: дверь / двери); there is a dramatic rise in the use of plural forms of many abstract nouns (риск, продажа) forming a crucial change in the development trend of Russian abstract noun number paradigms). We assume that in RFL teaching, it is important to follow the principles of step by step presentation of theoretical information on this topic (common singularia and pluralia tantum nouns, their grammatical properties, derivative characteristics; proper singularia and pluralia tantum nouns; synonymy, antonymy, and homonymy of singularia and pluralia tantum nouns; occasionalisms, etc.) to help students reach a higher level of Russian language proficiency.
  • Ескіз
    The training complex for learning Russian as a foreign language (RFL) "V dobryj put’!" and RFL computer-based training system
    (Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики", 2015) Romanov, Yu. A.; Romanov, A. Yu.
    A description of the nationally oriented training complex for learning Russian as a foreign language "V Dobryi Put’!" for German speakers which includes a textbook, an audio-supplement, a video-film and a test system is given. The computer-based training system, designed for this complex ensures effective teaching foreign students Russian phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, speech etiquette, and also facilitates the formation of the necessary communication skills.
  • Ескіз
    Literary text in teaching Russian as a foreign language
    (Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2018) Romanov, Yu.; Gaivoronska, V. V.
    The article considers the content and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the material of literary text. The proposed approach (topical issues, system of exercises, visualization) ensures formation of necessary skills in text analysis and interpretation.
  • Ескіз
    The model of learner’s dictionary of Russian verb forms for international students
    (Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2018) Romanov, Yu.; Kvashyna, T. S.; Kryvolapova, O. V.
    This article represents an innovative model of learner’s dictionary of Russian verb forms that provides the most optimal way for their presentation to foreign students: the forms of verbs, comprising aspect pairs, are given in a table format and are supplied with examples of usage with English equivalents; in addition to the above, students can practice the pronunciation of verb forms using Internet links available in the dictionary. The conclusions reveal the peculiarities of methodology of teaching Russian verbs to foreign students; the possibility of using this model in practice of distance learning is estimated.
  • Ескіз
    Russian adverb as the "thing in itself"
    (Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2017) Nagaitseva, N. I.; Romanov, Yu.
    The article gives an analysis of the specific lexical and grammatical group of words, adverbs, in terms of teaching Russian as a foreign language; the comparison of Russian and English adverbs is given; the conclusions concerning the methods of teaching Russian adverbs to international students are made.
  • Ескіз
    Intercultural Communication and Teaching Russian to International Students at Language Summer Courses
    (Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет, 2017) Romanov, Yu.; Snegurova, T. A.
    Introduction: the article considers the content and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at language summer courses with due account to (as a form of study-abroad training) the motives of intercultural communication. The specifics of teaching Russian to international students in the cultural field of Ukraine is revealed. The timeliness of the study is determined by constantly increasing academic mobility of students and the need for the development of modern educational technologies. The main purpose of the article is to present an integrated approach to Russian as a foreign language teaching at language summer courses, when cultural needs of the trainees and the motives of intercultural communication are considered. Materials and Methods: teaching methodology draws on specific methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and models of intercultural competence development. Educational materials for practical teaching of the Russian language are presented; qualitative and quantitative methods to research intercultural communication motives (written questionnaires and interviews on key topics) are used. Results: through working with the learners of language courses – students of Austrian universities – the data on the learners’ motivation factors, the most relevant topics for intercultural dialogue, some important aspects of Russian grammar, and also the data on the most popular knowledge about Ukraine are obtained and carefully analysed. The analysis of the obtained data, carried out by the authors of the study, allowed to optimise the content of the educational process and to incre ase its effectiveness. Discussion and Conclusions: teaching Russian to foreigners, showing a keen interest in the cultural values of Ukraine, suggests a parallel formation of intercultural competence based on understanding the local cultural realities. The presented approach to RFL teaching within the framework of the language summer courses provides not only a strong uptake of linguistic material by international students and considerable improvements in their level of proficiency in the Russian language, but also a significant enhancement of the intercultural competence of the trainees on the basis of a variety of teaching techniques and active intercultural communication of international students with native Russian language speakers when working in tandem. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the proposed approach to Russian as a foreign language teaching may find wide applicatio n in the training of foreigners at language summer courses; research perspectives are determined by the continuous development of this form of education and the increased importance of intercultural compete nce in the practice of cultural interaction.
  • Ескіз
    Preposition as a grammatical marker of language peculiarities
    (Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2016) Nagaitseva, N. I.; Romanov, Yu.
    The article gives an analysis of the specific lexical and grammatical group of words, prepositions, in terms of teaching Russian as a foreign language; the comparison of Russian and English prepositions is given; the conclusions concerning the methods of teaching Russian prepositions to international students are made.