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Документ New Opportunities for Restaurant Business Development Based on Computer Modeling of Consumer Preferences(Universidad de Almería, 2021) Koval, Liudmyla; Turski, Igor; Kolomiiets, Olena; Komarnitskyi, Igor; Chaika, TetianaThe restaurant business is one of the most significant hospitality industry people. However, competition is very high here. Therefore, restaurants are looking for new ways to improve, so the article is devoted to studying the theoretical basis and developing recommendations for developing the restaurant business based on consumer requests. To develop measures, the authors used a theoretical-empirical method, namely, the development of methodological foundations based on the study of theoretical sources, the formation of recommendations on their basis and their empirical testing to form the final proposals. The authors examined consumer literature and consumer inquiries; analyzed traditional and new ways of managing consumer demand. The study's value is that the authors have developed methodological recommendations; namely, they proposed an algorithm for the restaurant business's development, taking into account computer modeling of consumers' preferences and schematically and graphically depicted ways to increase consumer preferences in a restaurant. The suggested recommendations have been tested in real restaurants, which has proven their effectiveness and applicability. The study showed that restaurants need to re-evaluate and review their business strategy and development periodically. There is no universal mechanism that would suit absolutely any restaurant. Still, the steps and principles proposed in the algorithm allow you to start/improve restaurant business development strategy correctly based on computer modeling of consumer preferences.Документ Sustainable tourism indicators, and special interest tourism in the context of sustainability concept(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2023) Chaika, Tetiana; Belikova, OlenaA comparison of their general concepts, development strategies, and tourist behaviour of the target audiences, can help to distinguish sustainable tourism from unsustainable tourism. When analyzing the degree of sustainability of a particular type of tourism or tourism product, it is first of all necessary to assess these three components: they are where the distinction between sustainable and non-sustainable tourism is most apparent. The general concept of special interest tourism involves the satisfaction of highly specialized tourism interests, which implies non-mass and, consequently, reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment. It is the non-mass character of SIT that makes it particularly attractive in terms of achieving the sustainable development goals. The strategy for the development of SIT involves taking into account environmental factors, attracting local investors and involving the local community in the creation and promotion of the tourism product. These parameters suggest that the strategy for SIT development is consistent with the sustainable development goals.Документ Features of Special Interest Tourism(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Chaika, Tetiana; Belikova, O. S.Special interest tourism (SIT) is a type of tourism focused on meeting the special interests and needs of tourists through non-mass, personalized, unique tours. Locations of SIT should be linked with particular theme and satisfy a particular interest of tourists. And tourism groups of SIT are formed of people with similar interests, needs or travel motives. This study examines the main characteristics (features) of special interest tourism. The main characteristic of SIT is the satisfaction of particular personal interests of tourists. But SIT is not only characterized by the presence of a particular personal interest. The attributes of SIT are also non-mass, uniqueness and personalization. Authenticity and interactivity are frequent features of SIT.Документ The problem of classification of international tourism functions(2023) Chaika, TetianaNowadays, there is a certain inconsistency in approaches to the classification of the functions of international tourism. The analysis of the main approaches to the typology of international tourism functions has led us to conclude that it is appropriate to consider the classification system of international tourism functions as a hierarchical structure. Supporting the previously expressed positions of scientists, we believe that at the first (least detailed) level of the classification system it is appropriate to single out three main blocks of functions of international tourism: social; economic; humanitarian. At the next hierarchical level, it is possible to detail the content of the above-mentioned blocks of international tourism functions. A comparison between the functions of tourism and those of international tourism leads to the conclusion that international tourism is a phenomenon in its own right with a significant impact on the evolution of the global human community in the context of sustainable development.Документ Innovative training techniques as a way to improve the quality and competitiveness of future professionals in tourism and hospitality. Learning portfolio(2022) Chaika, Tetiana; Gnezdilova, DianaІнноваційні методи викладання, навчання та оцінки відіграють значну роль у підвищенні якості вищої освіти майбутніх спеціалістів у сфері туризму та гостинності. У даний час багато вчених вітають портфоліо як альтернативу та/або доповнення до традиційних методів оцінювання. Метод навчального портфоліо призначений для систематизації навчальної роботи студентів, закріплення, поглиблення та розширення отриманих знань, навичок та умінь. Наразі навчальне портфоліо використовується як інструмент навчання та оцінювання у великій кількості навчальних закладів по всьому світу. У НТУ «ХПІ» студентське портфоліо – документ, який поповнюється протягом усього навчання. Основна мета портфоліо – дати об'єктивне уявлення про особистість та рівень професіоналізму молодого фахівця. У майбутньому грамотно складене портфоліо може допомогти у працевлаштуванні та кар'єрному зростанні. Вже з першого курсу у рамках курсу «Вступ до спеціальності. Ознайомча практика» студенти роблять перші кроки у формуванні портфоліо. Портфоліо, яке студент створює у рамках індивідуального завдання за курсом «Вступ до спеціальності. Ознайомча практика» має спеціально адаптовану структуру. Ця структура покликана забезпечити надання усієї необхідної звітної інформації відповідно до робочої програми курсу навчання. Студентам пропонується творчо підійти до структури та змісту своїх портфоліо, мислити творчо, поза шаблонами.Документ New configurations of social and labour relations in a crisis economy(ELIT - Economic Laboratory for Transition Research, 2021) Portna, O. V.; Iershova, Natalia; Grytsenko, A. A.; Tereshchenko, D. A.; Chaika, Tetiana; Delibasic, M. V.The article covers the issue of configuring social and labour relations in a crisis economy. The main purpose of the research is to theoretically and practically substantiate the configuration of social and labour relations in a crisis economy. The study was conducted in the following areas: 1) an analysis of the preconditions for transforming the system of social and labour relations in companies associated with crisis phenomena in their economy, 2) assessment of the factors that shape social and labour relations in companies with crisis economies, 3) a study of employee response to crisis situations based on the selected parameters, 4) implementation of a strategy for managing employee behaviour in a crisis economy. The mechanism of management of social and labour relations in the company, which is universal from the point of view of the basic problems and various functional characteristics, has been developed. The mechanism allows to identify crisis processes for regulating social and labour relations based on a system of interrelated indicators and to assess the existing disparities in social and labour relations. It is substantiated that the relations in the corporate whole together with other factors form the social-psychological climate of the working environment, the state of which largely determines the effectiveness of the enterprise. Practical recommendations have been given as for propensity of employees to conflict behaviour, social-psychological climate and emotional pressure on employees in team within the company.Документ Analytical provision for managing innovation activities within the company considering the interests of stakeholders(Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia, Poland, 2020) Portna, O. V.; Iershova, N. Yu.; Tereshchenko, D. A.; Chaika, Tetiana; Dubynskyi, GeorgeThe article covers the problem of analytical provision for managing innovation activities within a company, taking into account the interests of stakeholders – this is connected with the possibility of ensuring the competitiveness, assessment of innovation activities and choice of innovation strategy. The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions and trends of innovation activities on the basis of accounting and analytical data considering the interests of stakeholders. The study of the current state and general trends of innovation activities at enterprises was conducted in a logical sequence as follows: 1) the number of innovatively active enterprises, 2) the share of industrial enterprises among the innovatively active enterprises, 3) the estimation of the amount of financing and the level of expenditures on innovations and 4) strategic priority directions of innovation activities that allowed to identify and analyze barriers to the development of an effective innovation policy. This provided an opportunity to develop the structure of analytical provision for the system of managing innovation activities within a company as a logical chain of strategic results for achieving economic success. However, a number of limitations and risks were identified. The assessment of the impact of innovation on the economic, environmental and social efficiency of a manufacturing production process is argued to be based on systematic and structured accounting and analytical information and reflected in non-financial reporting (in particular, the G4 Sustainability Reporting). In view of this, we consider it advisable to supplement the sustainability reporting with the indicators that characterize the effectiveness of innovation management. The results of the study are relevant and useful for large and medium-sized enterprises in the context of ensuring the implementation of an innovation model of development as well as for conducting applied research in the field of business strategies to ensure sustainable company development.Документ Adaptation of the financial fraud detection model (Beneish model) taking into account the analytical capabilities of Ukrainian companies’ open financial statements(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości, Polska, 2020) Chaika, TetianaThe distortion of financial statements makes it difficult to make investment and other management decisions. Therefore, it is very important to provide stakeholders with effective tools to identify such distortions. The problem is the limited information capabilities of open financial reporting, which is available to external interested parties. Therefore, it is very important to adapt the existing methods for diagnosing financial fraud in such a way that they can be used with only the information contained in the companies’ open financial statements. Beneish model allows you to detect earnings manipulation. In addition to its direct purpose, the Beneish model is useful for the analysis of respectable companies, as it allows you to stably predict their profitability. Not all indicators of the classic Beneish model can be obtained on the basis of Ukrainian companies’ open financial statements. So, in order for the model to be accessible to external interested parties, it must be adapted.Документ Strategic management accounting as an information platform for measuring innovation of the enterprise(SHS Web of Conferences, 2019) Bondar, Mykola; Iershova, Natalia; Chaika, TetianaThe study provides an integrated analysis system of the innovative activity of the enterprise, generalized mechanism of information processing in the accounting and analytical system of the enterprise. The role of information of strategic management accounting and analysis in the accounting and analytical system of the enterprise is substantiated. The bimodal methodological approach to measuring innovation of the enterprise on the basis of an integral performance exposure, calculated on a set of partial indicators, using additive method was introduced.Документ Strategy of sustainable development of the enterprise: accounting and analytical content(Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2019) Bondar, Mykola; Iershova, Natalia; Chaika, TetianaThe effectiveness of management decisions for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy of an enterprise is determined. The authors of the article surveyed managers and managers of industrial enterprises that work on them held. The research topic is aimed at identifying the reasons for the lack of information and analytical support for a sustainable development strategy. The system of accounting and analytical support for the strategy of sustainable development of an enterprise is presented. The basic principles for constructing a model are systematic, a comprehensive analysis of all components of subsystems and elements of an enterprise, a dynamic principle, the principle of taking into account the specifics of an enterprise.