Публікація: Коррупція, неефективні інститути та європейська інтеграція
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Ужгородський національний університет
Показано, що репресивні антикорупційні заходи, що традиційно застосовуються для попередження виникнення та поширення
корупції є малоефективними через низку причин. Виявлено, що безпосередньою причиною виникнення та поширення корупції є
неефективність чинних формальних правил, що призводять до зростання рівня трансакційних витрат бюрократичних процедур та спонукають клієнта до укладання корупційної угоди. Показано, що, за певних обставин, інституційні реформи, що необхідні для приєднання країни до євроінтеграційних процесів, можуть призвести до підвищення ефективності інституційних рамок країни та мати позитивний вплив на динаміку рівня її корумпованості. Доведено, що для успішного скорочення рівня корумпованості, шляхом підвищення ефективності інституційних рамок, імплантація запозичених формальних правил, що характеризуються умовною неефективністю, має відбуватися виключно після усунення зовнішніх чинників їх неефективності. Обґрунтована необхідність врахування критеріїв доцільності реформування умовно та безумовно-неефективних формальних правил під час реформування неефективних незапозичених формальних правил.
It is shown that the repressive anti-corruption measures traditionally used to prevent the emergence and spread of corruption are ineffective due to a number of reasons. The main reason for the ineffectiveness of these measures is the failure to take into account the client’s motives when concluding a corruption agreement with a corrupt official. It was revealed that the direct cause of the emergence and spread of corruption is the inefficiency of the existing formal rules, which lead to an increase in the level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures and encourage the client to enter into a corruption agreement. As a result, the fight against corruption should be considered as an integral part of general institutional reforms. Achieving a noticeable reduction in the level of corruption in the country is possible due to the consistent implementation of reforms aimed at increasing the overall effectiveness of the current formal rules. The direct consequences of these reforms should be both the elimination of the incentives that prompt the client to enter into a corrupt deal, and the elimination of the official’s discretionary powers that enable him to provide corrupt services to his clients. It is shown that, under certain circumstances, the institutional reforms necessary for the country’s accession to the European integration processes can lead to an increase in the efficiency of the country’s institutional framework and have a positive impact on the dynamics of its level of corruption. Corresponding reforms can take place both by borrowing formal rules that have already managed to prove their effectiveness, and by increasing the effectiveness of existing non-borrowed formal rules. In both cases, a sustainable long-term reduction in the level of corruption in the country is possible only if positive dynamics of formal rules are ensured. It has been proven that in order to successfully reduce the level of corruption by increasing the efficiency of the institutional framework, the implantation of borrowed formal rules characterized by conditional inefficiency should occur only after the elimination of external factors of their inefficiency. The need to take into account the criteria for the expediency of reforming conditionally and unconditionally ineffective formal rules during the reformation of ineffective non-borrowed formal rules is substantiated.
It is shown that the repressive anti-corruption measures traditionally used to prevent the emergence and spread of corruption are ineffective due to a number of reasons. The main reason for the ineffectiveness of these measures is the failure to take into account the client’s motives when concluding a corruption agreement with a corrupt official. It was revealed that the direct cause of the emergence and spread of corruption is the inefficiency of the existing formal rules, which lead to an increase in the level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures and encourage the client to enter into a corruption agreement. As a result, the fight against corruption should be considered as an integral part of general institutional reforms. Achieving a noticeable reduction in the level of corruption in the country is possible due to the consistent implementation of reforms aimed at increasing the overall effectiveness of the current formal rules. The direct consequences of these reforms should be both the elimination of the incentives that prompt the client to enter into a corrupt deal, and the elimination of the official’s discretionary powers that enable him to provide corrupt services to his clients. It is shown that, under certain circumstances, the institutional reforms necessary for the country’s accession to the European integration processes can lead to an increase in the efficiency of the country’s institutional framework and have a positive impact on the dynamics of its level of corruption. Corresponding reforms can take place both by borrowing formal rules that have already managed to prove their effectiveness, and by increasing the effectiveness of existing non-borrowed formal rules. In both cases, a sustainable long-term reduction in the level of corruption in the country is possible only if positive dynamics of formal rules are ensured. It has been proven that in order to successfully reduce the level of corruption by increasing the efficiency of the institutional framework, the implantation of borrowed formal rules characterized by conditional inefficiency should occur only after the elimination of external factors of their inefficiency. The need to take into account the criteria for the expediency of reforming conditionally and unconditionally ineffective formal rules during the reformation of ineffective non-borrowed formal rules is substantiated.
Бібліографічний опис
Сержанов В. В. Коррупція, неефективні інститути та європейська інтеграція / В. В. Сержанов, Т. А. Дяченко, Ф. В. Абрамов // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство. – Ужгород : УжНУ, 2022. – № 44 (50). – С. 90-95.