Публікація: Концепція стейкмаркетингу у формуванні податкової поведінки суб'єктів підприємницької діяльності
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Дослідження спрямоване на обґрунтування окремих положень концепції стейкмаркетингу у формуванні податкової поведінки суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності. За допомогою методів узагальнення та системного аналізу сформовано карту стейкхолдерів в сфері податкової політики відповідно до концепції стейкмаркетингу, що включає наступні групи впливу: внутрішніх та зовнішніх стейкхолдерів, захисників інтересів та регулюючі сили, що спроможні впливати на діяльність інших елементів. На основі аналізу існуючих у світовій практиці моделей організації податкових відносин в рамках реалізації концепції стейкмаркетингу встановлено особливості сучасної податкової політики. Обґрунтовано структуру процесу формування податкової поведінки суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності на принципах стейкмаркетингу, яка включає три взаємопов’язані підсистеми формування податкової поведінки внутрішніх і зовнішніх стейкхолдерів, захисників інтересів таінших регулюючих сил.
The study is aimed at substantiating certain provisions of the stakemarketing concept in shaping the tax behavior of business entities. It is emphasized that the state, represented by the tax service and other authorities, acts as a stakeholder, exerting certain management influences in the field of tax policy. That is why it is important to implement the principles of stakeholder marketing in the processes of forming the tax behavior of business entities, which will allow to ensure a comprehensive influence on their decisions regarding the payment of taxes in accordance with the tendency to opportunism in conditions of unstable or imperfect tax legislation. It has been proven that the concept of stakemarketing, formed on the basis of the theory of stakeholders, allows you to unite all interested parties to achieve joint results based on the principles of business interaction and maximum satisfaction of the interests of all participants. With the help of methods of generalization and systematic analysis, a map of stakeholders in the field of tax policy was formed in accordance with the concept of stakemarketing, which includes the following groups of influence: internal and external stakeholders, defenders of interests and regulatory forces capable of influencing the activities of other elements. On the basis of the analysis of the existing in the world practice models of the organization of tax relations within the framework of the implementation of the concept of stake marketing, the features of the modern tax policy have been established. The structure of the process of shaping the tax behavior of business entities based on the principles of stakemarketing is substantiated, which includes three interrelated subsystems of shaping the tax behavior of internal and external stakeholders, interest defenders and other regulatory forces. Prospects for further research are the development of a mechanism for shaping the tax behavior of business entities based on the principles of stakemarketing, which will allow solving the issue of non-observance of tax payments by the budget due to the opportunistic behavior of taxpayers.
The study is aimed at substantiating certain provisions of the stakemarketing concept in shaping the tax behavior of business entities. It is emphasized that the state, represented by the tax service and other authorities, acts as a stakeholder, exerting certain management influences in the field of tax policy. That is why it is important to implement the principles of stakeholder marketing in the processes of forming the tax behavior of business entities, which will allow to ensure a comprehensive influence on their decisions regarding the payment of taxes in accordance with the tendency to opportunism in conditions of unstable or imperfect tax legislation. It has been proven that the concept of stakemarketing, formed on the basis of the theory of stakeholders, allows you to unite all interested parties to achieve joint results based on the principles of business interaction and maximum satisfaction of the interests of all participants. With the help of methods of generalization and systematic analysis, a map of stakeholders in the field of tax policy was formed in accordance with the concept of stakemarketing, which includes the following groups of influence: internal and external stakeholders, defenders of interests and regulatory forces capable of influencing the activities of other elements. On the basis of the analysis of the existing in the world practice models of the organization of tax relations within the framework of the implementation of the concept of stake marketing, the features of the modern tax policy have been established. The structure of the process of shaping the tax behavior of business entities based on the principles of stakemarketing is substantiated, which includes three interrelated subsystems of shaping the tax behavior of internal and external stakeholders, interest defenders and other regulatory forces. Prospects for further research are the development of a mechanism for shaping the tax behavior of business entities based on the principles of stakemarketing, which will allow solving the issue of non-observance of tax payments by the budget due to the opportunistic behavior of taxpayers.
Бібліографічний опис
Кузьминчук Н. В. Концепція стейкмаркетингу у формуванні податкової поведінки суб'єктів підприємницької діяльності / Н. В. Кузьминчук, С. Ю. Альошин, Т. М. Куценко // Економіка та суспільство : електрон. журн. – 2022. – Вип. 46. – 7 с. – URL: https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/2034/1963? вільний (дата звернення 19.12.2023 р.).