Ensuring the economic efficiency of enterprises by multi-criteria selection of the optimal manufacturing process

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Technological assurance and improvement of the economic efficiency of production are the first-priority issues for the modern manufacturing engineering area. It is possible to achieve a higher value of economic efficiency in multiproduct manufacturing by multicriteria optimization. A set of optimality criteria based on technological and economic indicators was defined with the aim of selecting the optimal manufacturing process. Competitive variants and a system of optimization were developed and investigated. A comparative analysis of the optimality criteria and their influence on the choice of optimal machining processes was carried out. It was determined that the batch of parts made an impact on the selection of the manufacturing process.


Бібліографічний опис

Ensuring the economic efficiency of enterprises by multi-criteria selection of the optimal manufacturing process / A. Kotliar [et al.] // Management and Production Engineering Review. – 2020. – Vol. 11, No. 1. – P. 52-61.



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