Публікація: Структура терміносполук у сфері нанотехнологій
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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
У статті досліджено структуру спеціальних назв сфери нанотехнологій, що виникли в результаті аналітичного способу термінотворення. Розглянуто моделі дво-, три- та багатокомпонентних терміносполук, у яких поєднані слова різної частиномовної приналежності. Виявлено й схарактеризовано типи терміносполук, що мають найбільшу частотність та репрезентують різноманітні способи поєднання елементів. Установлено, що три- та багатокомпонентні терміносполуки є результатом ускладнення атрибутивних або іменникових словосполучень прикметниками, що звужують їхні значення.
The article reveals the research of the special names of nanotechnologies that arose as a result of analytical nomination, which is considered to be one of the most productive one, since the terms formed in this way are unambiguous, as accurate as possible, expressively neutral, and are not affected by synonymization and homonymization. The goals of the article are to identify the structural features of such terms and characterize their most common models. According to the number of components, three structural types are distinguished among the term units of nanotechnology: two-component, three-component and multi-component ones. There are three most common types among two-component term units according to the expression of part of speech of the components and their location: “adjective + noun”, “noun + adjective”, and “noun + noun”. Other two-component models of nanotechnology term units are represented by few or isolated examples. Among three-component term units, depending on the structural organization and morphological expression of the elements, four main types are distinguished: “noun + adjective + noun”, “adjective + adjective + noun”, “noun + adjective + adjective”, and “adjective + noun + noun”. The analysis of three-component nanotechnology terms shows that they are the result of the complication of two-component word combinations by adding an adjective that indicates a variety of the concept and narrows it down. Multi-component term units of nanotechnology are represented by units of four, five, six, and seven elements. Two- and three-component word combinations also became the basis for the formation of such complex names. As a result of the research, it is established that the syntactic method of nomination in the field of nanotechnology is quite productive, because two-, three- and multi-component units, which are formed according to different models, are elucidated. By the number of units, two-component term units prevail, and by the variety of ways of combining elements three-component and multi-component term units represented by a small number of nominations dominate. All types of term units can be complicated by prepositions and can contain terms with two bases, which indicates a rather complex structure of nanotechnology terminology.
The article reveals the research of the special names of nanotechnologies that arose as a result of analytical nomination, which is considered to be one of the most productive one, since the terms formed in this way are unambiguous, as accurate as possible, expressively neutral, and are not affected by synonymization and homonymization. The goals of the article are to identify the structural features of such terms and characterize their most common models. According to the number of components, three structural types are distinguished among the term units of nanotechnology: two-component, three-component and multi-component ones. There are three most common types among two-component term units according to the expression of part of speech of the components and their location: “adjective + noun”, “noun + adjective”, and “noun + noun”. Other two-component models of nanotechnology term units are represented by few or isolated examples. Among three-component term units, depending on the structural organization and morphological expression of the elements, four main types are distinguished: “noun + adjective + noun”, “adjective + adjective + noun”, “noun + adjective + adjective”, and “adjective + noun + noun”. The analysis of three-component nanotechnology terms shows that they are the result of the complication of two-component word combinations by adding an adjective that indicates a variety of the concept and narrows it down. Multi-component term units of nanotechnology are represented by units of four, five, six, and seven elements. Two- and three-component word combinations also became the basis for the formation of such complex names. As a result of the research, it is established that the syntactic method of nomination in the field of nanotechnology is quite productive, because two-, three- and multi-component units, which are formed according to different models, are elucidated. By the number of units, two-component term units prevail, and by the variety of ways of combining elements three-component and multi-component term units represented by a small number of nominations dominate. All types of term units can be complicated by prepositions and can contain terms with two bases, which indicates a rather complex structure of nanotechnology terminology.
Ключові слова
аналітичний спосіб термінотворення, терміносполуки нанотехнологій, двокомпонентні терміносполуки, трикомпонентні терміносполуки, багатокомпонентні терміносполуки, analytical method of term formation, nanotechnology term units, two-component term units, three-component term units, multi-component term units
Бібліографічний опис
Кримець О. М. Структура терміносполук у сфері нанотехнологій / О. М. Кримець // Лінгвістичні дослідження : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : ХНПУ ім. Г. С. Сковороди, 2023. – Вип. 59. – С. 99-106.