Публікація: An Approach to Development of Interactive Adaptive Software Tool to Support Data Analysis Activity
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In the recent decades, databases have been used in any field of human activity to keep valuable data about ongoing processes. Large amounts of data stored in enterprise databases are useless without having a specialized software tool for data discovery or querying. Most business users that make data-driven decisions usually do not have special training and experience in database querying using special formal languages. Existing solutions are based on "query wizards" and database query forms that require knowledge of a database schema and inconvenient for users without special training. Proposed approach is based on the content-based filtering of already executed queries by usage frequency and similarity criteria in order to suggest relevant queries that may be re-used. It is a baseline of the interactive adaptive system for data analysis, which design and development is outlined in this study. Software prototype was demonstrated and its usage was discussed. Conclusions were made and future research was formulated.
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Бібліографічний опис
Orlovskyi D. L. An Approach to Development of Interactive Adaptive Software Tool to Support Data Analysis Activity / D. L. Orlovskyi, A. M. Kopp, I. S. Bilous // Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2021) : proc. of the 4th Intern. Workshop, April 27, 2021. Vol. 2864. – Zaporizhzhia : CEUR WS, 2021. – P. 15 p.