Публікація: Аналіз структури економічної безпеки підприємств аграрного сектора України
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У статті розглянуто та охарактеризовано основі об’єкти та суб’єкти економічної безпеки аграрного сектора. Автором запропоновано власне визначення економічної безпеки підприємств аграрного сектора як елемента сталого розвитку аграрної сфери економіки для задоволення необхідного мінімуму потреб суспільства у відповідній продукції сільського господарства, сировині для інших сфер економіки, включаючи потреби соціального, продовольчого забезпечення та формування страхових запасів на випадок форсмажорних ситуацій та під час дії внутрішніх та зовнішніх загроз. Проведено аналіз структурних елементів економічної безпеки підприємств агарного сектора таких як продовольча безпека, інвестиційна безпека, виробнича безпека, зовнішньоекономічна безпека, науково-технологічна безпека, сировинно-ресурсна безпека, фінансова безпека, енергетична безпека, безпека ринку праці, кадрова безпека, правопорядок, екологічна безпека.
The article discusses the economic security of agrarian sector. The objects of economic security of agrarian sector are a sector in general, his complexes and subcomplexes, subjects of menage, family, separate citizens, id est all institutes of the sector, and providing their stable and safe state, exactly to them the state system of economic security is directed. Subjects of economic security of the agrarian sector are institutes that form and provide the state of economic security of sector on different levels. Researches confirm, that providing of economic security of enterprises of the agrarian sector of Ukraine must be determined by the structure of agroindustrial complex of country. Accordingly, firstly as objects are represented with the spheres of APC secondly, productive and unproductive complexes APC and, thirdly, food subcomplexes. By the nature of ultimate product finish good, economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector must be divided into safety of food complex and safety of complex of unfood products. Safety of food complex assumes safety of industries of agriculture and processing, that supply foodstuffs to the population, and also enterprises, that supply productive facilities first that do in the a purveyance and transporting of food stuffs. In Ukraine public requirements in all basic foodstuffs are provided due to functioning and development of resource and productive potential of national agroindustrial complex. In the process of analysis of researches of different authors with questions about the structure of economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector, it is offered to examine the structure of economic security from next constituents: food safety; investment safety; external economic safety; productive safety; power safety; scientifically-technological safety; safety of labour-market; skilled safety; financial safety; material-resource safety; law and order; ecological safety. Realization of analysis based on the offered constituents of structure of economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector of Ukraine will give the possibility to carry out more effective politics of economic development of the country.
The article discusses the economic security of agrarian sector. The objects of economic security of agrarian sector are a sector in general, his complexes and subcomplexes, subjects of menage, family, separate citizens, id est all institutes of the sector, and providing their stable and safe state, exactly to them the state system of economic security is directed. Subjects of economic security of the agrarian sector are institutes that form and provide the state of economic security of sector on different levels. Researches confirm, that providing of economic security of enterprises of the agrarian sector of Ukraine must be determined by the structure of agroindustrial complex of country. Accordingly, firstly as objects are represented with the spheres of APC secondly, productive and unproductive complexes APC and, thirdly, food subcomplexes. By the nature of ultimate product finish good, economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector must be divided into safety of food complex and safety of complex of unfood products. Safety of food complex assumes safety of industries of agriculture and processing, that supply foodstuffs to the population, and also enterprises, that supply productive facilities first that do in the a purveyance and transporting of food stuffs. In Ukraine public requirements in all basic foodstuffs are provided due to functioning and development of resource and productive potential of national agroindustrial complex. In the process of analysis of researches of different authors with questions about the structure of economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector, it is offered to examine the structure of economic security from next constituents: food safety; investment safety; external economic safety; productive safety; power safety; scientifically-technological safety; safety of labour-market; skilled safety; financial safety; material-resource safety; law and order; ecological safety. Realization of analysis based on the offered constituents of structure of economic security of enterprises of agrarian sector of Ukraine will give the possibility to carry out more effective politics of economic development of the country.
Ключові слова
сільське господарство, агропромисловий комплекс, виробництво продукції, продовольчий комплекс, сталий розвиток, інвестиції, паливно-енергетичний комплекс, науково-технічний потенціал, матеріально-технічна база, ринок праці, фінансова безпека, фінансування, правопорядок, екологічна безпека, economic security, agrarian sector
Бібліографічний опис
Маковоз О. С. Аналіз структури економічної безпеки підприємств аграрного сектора України [Електронний ресурс] / О. С. Маковоз // Інфраструктура ринку : електрон. наук.-практ. журн. – 2019. – Вип. 27. – С. 198-203. – URL: http://market-infr.od.ua/journals/2019/27_2019_ukr/32.pdf, вільний (дата звернення 01.07.2020 р.).