Публікація: Social media marketing як інструмент просування продуктів підприємств на ринок
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У статті розглядаються питання, пов'язані з використанням нетрадиційних рекламних інструментів. Робиться акцент на тому, що стандартна або традиційна реклама, особливо та, яка розміщується в мережі Інтернет, втрачає свою популярність. Рекламодавці конкурують за увагу аудиторії через нові канали зв'язку. Робиться акцент, на тому, що сучасний споживач перестає сприймати рекламу в тому форматі, який був популярний ще 5-7 років тому. У споживача виникає так звана «рекламна сліпота». Банерна реклама стає непопулярною і втрачає свою ефективність з кожним днем. Основним трендом на рекламному ринку останніх років стає формат «нативної реклами», який активно застосовується на самих різних ресурсах: від розміщення її у вигляді інформаційних повідомлень в стрічках соціальних мереж до серйозних матеріалів медіа-видань. Велика частина сучасних рекламних компаній, особливо таких гігантів як Тhe Соcа-Cola Company, Red Bull GmbH, Nіке давно використовують формат нативної реклами в своїй практиці. Також в статті розглянуто витоки виникнення нативної реклами, досліджено визначення поняття нативна реклама. Розглядаються причини її популярності, її основні ознаки та види. Проведено аналіз позитивних і негативних сторін використання такого формату, а також представлений прогноз розвитку даного формату реклами в майбутньому.
The article discusses the possibilities of using the Internet, social networks and various digital applications to improve the performance of domestic enterprises and brands. Using tools Social Media Marketing (SMM) becomes an integral part of business processes, and does not require significant financial investments, compared with the classical advertising tools. The growing popularity of social networks requires entrepreneurs to introduce SMM tools for further business development, increasing sales of goods, winning new market segments, and retaining market leadership. The most popular world social networks for today are considered, statistics of their growth is given. Like any internet marketing tool, promotion on social networks has its own specifics. The specific features of SMM are discussed from the point of view of both entrepreneurs and users. To eliminate errors that occur in the process of using SMM tools, it is necessary to investigate this phenomenon in more detail and understand the further mechanism of using SMM, this is what determines the relevance of the research topic. The modern development of SMM began thanks to the rapid growth of social networks. At present, a significant number of social networks are distinguished, of which the largest are Facebook, Pinterest and others. The need to use SMM is largely due to the fact that the consumer has stopped responding and perceiving classical advertising tools, the effectiveness of which decreases. The most popular promotion tools that are used in SMM are considered, their detailed description is given, their advantages and difficulties of use are considered. The mechanism of using some of them is described. It is noted that there are a significant number of combinations of the use of the presented tools. We consider the negative and positive aspects of the use of SMM in the activities of enterprises. Examples of using SMM tools are given. It is noted that consumers today trust information obtained from social networks, more often than advertisements. It is noted that the most controversial today is the evaluation of the effectiveness of SMM activities. It is the evaluation of the effectiveness of SMM measures that requires substantial further research.
The article discusses the possibilities of using the Internet, social networks and various digital applications to improve the performance of domestic enterprises and brands. Using tools Social Media Marketing (SMM) becomes an integral part of business processes, and does not require significant financial investments, compared with the classical advertising tools. The growing popularity of social networks requires entrepreneurs to introduce SMM tools for further business development, increasing sales of goods, winning new market segments, and retaining market leadership. The most popular world social networks for today are considered, statistics of their growth is given. Like any internet marketing tool, promotion on social networks has its own specifics. The specific features of SMM are discussed from the point of view of both entrepreneurs and users. To eliminate errors that occur in the process of using SMM tools, it is necessary to investigate this phenomenon in more detail and understand the further mechanism of using SMM, this is what determines the relevance of the research topic. The modern development of SMM began thanks to the rapid growth of social networks. At present, a significant number of social networks are distinguished, of which the largest are Facebook, Pinterest and others. The need to use SMM is largely due to the fact that the consumer has stopped responding and perceiving classical advertising tools, the effectiveness of which decreases. The most popular promotion tools that are used in SMM are considered, their detailed description is given, their advantages and difficulties of use are considered. The mechanism of using some of them is described. It is noted that there are a significant number of combinations of the use of the presented tools. We consider the negative and positive aspects of the use of SMM in the activities of enterprises. Examples of using SMM tools are given. It is noted that consumers today trust information obtained from social networks, more often than advertisements. It is noted that the most controversial today is the evaluation of the effectiveness of SMM activities. It is the evaluation of the effectiveness of SMM measures that requires substantial further research.
Ключові слова
просування підприємства, маркетинг, бренд, Інтернет-маркетинг, реклама, ефективність, promotion, enterprises, marketing, brand, Internet marketing, advertising, efficiency
Бібліографічний опис
Кітченко О. М. Social media marketing як інструмент просування продуктів підприємств на ринок [Електронний ресурс] / О. М. Кітченко, Т. Н. Ібрагімов // Приазовський економічний вісник : електрон. наук. журн. – 2019. – Вип. 3 (14). – С. 179-184. – URI: http://pev.kpu.zp.ua/journals/2019/3_14_uk/32.pdf, вільний (дата звернення 16.10.2019 р.).