Публікація: Запозичення в термінології нанотехнологій
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Харківський національний педагогічний університет ім. Г. С. Сковороди
У статті проаналізовано чужомовні спеціальні назви, що застосовуються у сфері нанотехнологій. З'ясовано, що досліджувана термінологія має міжнародний характер, тому містить значну кількість одиниць, утворених із залученням греко-латинських терміноелементів, і терміни, запозичені з англійської мови. Установлено шляхи запозичення термінів нанотехнологій, способи їх пристосування до системи української літературної мови. Виокремлено структурні типи запозичених термінів, а також одиниць, що містять запозичені та питомі компоненти, поєднання яких є результатом транслітерації, адаптації, гібридизації й калькування чужомовних термінів.
The article is devoted to the study of borrowed special names of nanotechnology terminology. The purpose of the article is to study the foreign terms in the sphere of nanotechnology, namely: means of borrowing, methods of their application in the system of Ukrainian language, types of borrowed terms, as well as some units with borrowed components, which have never been the object of a special analysis in the science of terminology and are of great interest to study. The studied terminology is international, that is why there are many units created by means of Greek and Latin terminological elements, which are joined with borrowed and significant Ukrainian lexical units. Greek and Latin morphemes, which are the basis of international components, meet requirements of the accuracy, shortness and unambiguity of a term. The “nano” component is the most common one in the terminology of nanotechnology. In the analysed terminology the terms of English derivation have also been found. It has been established, that in the nanotechnology terminology there are some units, borrowed by means of transliteration, as well as the terms that have obtained significant suffixes, that is, have attached to the norms of the target language. Hybrid terms represent a large group; they are created as a consequence of a combination of national and derived components, which is the result of borrowing of foreign units by different ways – transliteration, adoption, hybridization and calking. The structural analysis of the terms has shown that not only one-component term combinations are widespread, but two-, three- and multicomponent terms-word combinations, containing such significant components, are widespread as well. Borrowed terms are adopted to the norms of the Ukrainian standard language by means of suffixes and subordination of the case system. Thus, it can be concluded, that borrowing of foreign units is an active way of developing the nanotechnology terminology.
The article is devoted to the study of borrowed special names of nanotechnology terminology. The purpose of the article is to study the foreign terms in the sphere of nanotechnology, namely: means of borrowing, methods of their application in the system of Ukrainian language, types of borrowed terms, as well as some units with borrowed components, which have never been the object of a special analysis in the science of terminology and are of great interest to study. The studied terminology is international, that is why there are many units created by means of Greek and Latin terminological elements, which are joined with borrowed and significant Ukrainian lexical units. Greek and Latin morphemes, which are the basis of international components, meet requirements of the accuracy, shortness and unambiguity of a term. The “nano” component is the most common one in the terminology of nanotechnology. In the analysed terminology the terms of English derivation have also been found. It has been established, that in the nanotechnology terminology there are some units, borrowed by means of transliteration, as well as the terms that have obtained significant suffixes, that is, have attached to the norms of the target language. Hybrid terms represent a large group; they are created as a consequence of a combination of national and derived components, which is the result of borrowing of foreign units by different ways – transliteration, adoption, hybridization and calking. The structural analysis of the terms has shown that not only one-component term combinations are widespread, but two-, three- and multicomponent terms-word combinations, containing such significant components, are widespread as well. Borrowed terms are adopted to the norms of the Ukrainian standard language by means of suffixes and subordination of the case system. Thus, it can be concluded, that borrowing of foreign units is an active way of developing the nanotechnology terminology.
Ключові слова
термінологія нанотехнологій, запозичений термін, запозичений компонент, питомий компонент, гібридотермін, nanotechnology terminology, borrowed term, borrowed component, significant component, hybrid term
Бібліографічний опис
Кримець О. М. Запозичення в термінології нанотехнологій / О. М. Кримець // Лінгвістичні дослідження : зб. наук. пр. Харк. нац. пед. ун-ту ім. Г. С. Сковороди. – Харків : [б. в.], 2021. – Вип. 55. – С. 68-75.