К расчету электрического поля в изоляции эмальпровода с изоляцией на основе полиимидных сополимеров
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Выполнено моделирование электрического поля в эмальизоляции, оценен размер области концентрации напряженности вокруг дефекта поверхности проводника. Новые для отечественной промышленности эмальпровода с изоляцией из полиимидных сополимеров имеют очень высокие электрофизические характеристики, в том числе, высокий уровень пробивных напряжений.
New to the domestic industry enamelled wire with insulation of polyimide copolymers have very high electrical characteristics, including a high level of breakdown voltages. There was a question about the influence of local inhomogeneities on the surface of the wire on breakdown voltage as the breakdown voltage variations in the breakdown voltage in enamelled wire is significant. The modeling of the electric field in enamel insulation is estimated size of the stress concentration around the defect surface of the conductor. Analytic construction of equipotential allowed to simulate the electric field in enamel insulation, estimate the size of the area of stress concentration around the defect surface of the conductor. Tensions along the equipotential decreases rapidly, and the area of stress concentration around the surface defect is less than 2 microns. Еhe construction of equipotential also allows to evaluate the impact of the size of inhomogeneities on the electric field in enamel insulation.
New to the domestic industry enamelled wire with insulation of polyimide copolymers have very high electrical characteristics, including a high level of breakdown voltages. There was a question about the influence of local inhomogeneities on the surface of the wire on breakdown voltage as the breakdown voltage variations in the breakdown voltage in enamelled wire is significant. The modeling of the electric field in enamel insulation is estimated size of the stress concentration around the defect surface of the conductor. Analytic construction of equipotential allowed to simulate the electric field in enamel insulation, estimate the size of the area of stress concentration around the defect surface of the conductor. Tensions along the equipotential decreases rapidly, and the area of stress concentration around the surface defect is less than 2 microns. Еhe construction of equipotential also allows to evaluate the impact of the size of inhomogeneities on the electric field in enamel insulation.
Бібліографічний опис
Антонец С. Ю. К расчету электрического поля в
изоляции эмальпровода с изоляцией на основе полиимидных сополимеров / С. Ю. Антонец, Л. А. Щебенюк // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Энергетика: надёжность и энергоэффективность. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 24. – С. 3-10.