Учебный этикет и формирование культуры поведения студента ХТИ
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Шифр та назва спеціальності
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В статье анализируется становление учебного этикета в ХТИ конца ХІХ – начала ХХ ст. Особое внимание уделяется обязанностям и правам учащихся, деятельности кураторов и курсовых старост, практике профессорского дисциплинарного суда, а также студенческой униформе в формировании имиджа будущего специалиста.
The article examines the formation of academic etiquette in the Kharkiv Technological Institute in the late XIX – early XX century. Special attention is paid to the responsibilities and rights of students, supervisors’ and course leaders’ activities, practice of professorial disciplinary court, as well as the student’s uniform in the image formation of the future specialist. The author concludes that the etiquette of technical University largely coincided with the main requirements of tact and politeness, traditions and conventions of the society. It regulated the behavior of students in different situations. However, the administrative setting of strict observance of the rules by the students, the existing system of prohibitions, authoritarian practice of professorial disciplinary court testified the restriction of democratic rights of future specialists, the lack of confidence in the government authority. And yet creative dialogue with leading educators, their ethos, culture of communication and commitment to develop partnerships not only with colleagues but also with students have contributed to the emergence of the moral environment in which everyone deserves respect and respects the freedom and rights of others.
The article examines the formation of academic etiquette in the Kharkiv Technological Institute in the late XIX – early XX century. Special attention is paid to the responsibilities and rights of students, supervisors’ and course leaders’ activities, practice of professorial disciplinary court, as well as the student’s uniform in the image formation of the future specialist. The author concludes that the etiquette of technical University largely coincided with the main requirements of tact and politeness, traditions and conventions of the society. It regulated the behavior of students in different situations. However, the administrative setting of strict observance of the rules by the students, the existing system of prohibitions, authoritarian practice of professorial disciplinary court testified the restriction of democratic rights of future specialists, the lack of confidence in the government authority. And yet creative dialogue with leading educators, their ethos, culture of communication and commitment to develop partnerships not only with colleagues but also with students have contributed to the emergence of the moral environment in which everyone deserves respect and respects the freedom and rights of others.
Бібліографічний опис
Петутина Е. А. Учебный этикет и формирование культуры поведения студента ХТИ / Е. А. Петутина // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Актуальні проблеми розвитку українського суспільства. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2016. – № 13 (1185). – С. 40-42.