Об'ємне забарвлення клінкерної цегли з використанням техногенної сировини
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Встановлена можливість використання відходів різних виробництв для отримання темнозабарвленої клінкерної цегли методом об’ємного забарвлення маси. Показана ефективність комбінування відходів, що містять барвні оксиди (CoO, MnO₂, Cr₂O₃), що дозволяє отримувати вироби чорного і коричневого кольорів. Визначено граничний вміст використаних відходів в складі керамічних мас, при якому забезпечується заданий рівень експлуатаційних характеристик клінкерної цегли (водопоглинання не більше 5 %; міцність на стиск – більше 30 МПа, морозостійкість – більше 150 циклів). Встановлено склад кольороутворюючих фаз клінкерних керамічних матеріалів (гематит, гаусманіт), що сприяють підвищенню насиченості кольору виробів.
The work is devoted to the important problem of the color range expanding of clinker ceramic materials. The possibility of obtaining black and brown clinker bricks by staining in the mass of low-melting polymineral clays with additives of technogenic materials, as alternatives to expensive ceramic pigments, has been investigated. Complex tests of clay raw materials of the Verkhnesyrovat deposit (Sumskaya) showed of the obtaining possibility on their basis at a temperature of 1075 – 1100 °C densely sintered ceramic materials that meet the requirements of the current standards for clinker bricks. The possibility of using waste from various industries for obtaining dark-colored clinker bricks by the method of mass volume staining is established. The efficiency of combining wastes, containing coloring oxides (CoO, MnO₂, Cr₂O₃), to produce products of black brown colors is shown. The maximum content of wastes used in the ceramic masses composition, at which provides the given level of clinker brick operating properties (water absorption is not more than 5 %, compressive strength is more than 30 MPa, frost resistance is more than 150 cycles) is determined. The composition of color-bearing phases of clinker ceramic materials (hematite, gausmanite, cobaltous oxide), which contribute to an increase in color saturation of products, is established. The quantitative ratios of the investigated wastes (with their total content in the raw composition within 6 wt. %), which ensures the production of black and brown products with a high sintering degree and a complex of performance characteristics, are established.
The work is devoted to the important problem of the color range expanding of clinker ceramic materials. The possibility of obtaining black and brown clinker bricks by staining in the mass of low-melting polymineral clays with additives of technogenic materials, as alternatives to expensive ceramic pigments, has been investigated. Complex tests of clay raw materials of the Verkhnesyrovat deposit (Sumskaya) showed of the obtaining possibility on their basis at a temperature of 1075 – 1100 °C densely sintered ceramic materials that meet the requirements of the current standards for clinker bricks. The possibility of using waste from various industries for obtaining dark-colored clinker bricks by the method of mass volume staining is established. The efficiency of combining wastes, containing coloring oxides (CoO, MnO₂, Cr₂O₃), to produce products of black brown colors is shown. The maximum content of wastes used in the ceramic masses composition, at which provides the given level of clinker brick operating properties (water absorption is not more than 5 %, compressive strength is more than 30 MPa, frost resistance is more than 150 cycles) is determined. The composition of color-bearing phases of clinker ceramic materials (hematite, gausmanite, cobaltous oxide), which contribute to an increase in color saturation of products, is established. The quantitative ratios of the investigated wastes (with their total content in the raw composition within 6 wt. %), which ensures the production of black and brown products with a high sintering degree and a complex of performance characteristics, are established.
Ключові слова
властивості експлуатаційні, склад фазовий, фаза кольороутворююча, operating properties, phase composition, coloring phase
Бібліографічний опис
Об'ємне забарвлення клінкерної цегли з використанням техногенної сировини / М. І. Рищенко [та ін.] // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Хімія, хімічна технологія та екологія. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 48 (1269). – С. 87-92.