Прогнозування теоретичних епюр контактних напружень при тонколистовій прокатці
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Проаналізовано відомі в теорії прокатки моделі тертя в осередку деформації Кулона та Зібеля. Як показують дослідження, вони дають суттєві похибки при прогнозуванні розподілу контактних напружень при тонколистовій прокатці. Запропонована модель тертя, яка відрізняється лінійним переходом від максимальних значень напружень тертя до мінімальних. Ця модель дозволяє з достатньою точністю отримати теоретичний розподіл по осередку деформації нормальних контактних напружень та напружень тертя і визначити середнє нормальне контактне напруження при гарячій та холодній тонколистовій прокатці.
Rollings models of a friction known in the theory in the byte of deformation Kulon and Zibel are analyses. As show explorations, they give essential lapses at forecasting of distribution contact voltages at thin sheet rolling. It leads not to exact definition of an average normal contact voltage, forces, the moment, power of deformation. The sample piece developed in works Vasileva, is grounded on Newton's law, therefore can be applied at cold thin sheet rolling with lubrications. In the given work the sample piece of a friction which differs linear transition from the maximum values of pressure of a friction to the minimum is offered. It consists of 3 sections, on two of which is carried out Kulon’s regularity between contact voltages, and the third section is presented by a linear function. Thanks to it the gradient junction from the maximum values pressure of a friction to minimum is carried out, that allows with sufficient accuracy to gain theoretical distribution on the byte of deformation normal contact voltages and pressure of a friction and to define an average normal contact voltage at hot and cold thin sheet rolling in conditions when the differential equation of the Karman is carried out. Usability of a sample piece is proved by comparison of theoretical orthographic epures contact voltages builted with use of given dependence, and experimental, gained by means of known methods in the scientific literature.
Rollings models of a friction known in the theory in the byte of deformation Kulon and Zibel are analyses. As show explorations, they give essential lapses at forecasting of distribution contact voltages at thin sheet rolling. It leads not to exact definition of an average normal contact voltage, forces, the moment, power of deformation. The sample piece developed in works Vasileva, is grounded on Newton's law, therefore can be applied at cold thin sheet rolling with lubrications. In the given work the sample piece of a friction which differs linear transition from the maximum values of pressure of a friction to the minimum is offered. It consists of 3 sections, on two of which is carried out Kulon’s regularity between contact voltages, and the third section is presented by a linear function. Thanks to it the gradient junction from the maximum values pressure of a friction to minimum is carried out, that allows with sufficient accuracy to gain theoretical distribution on the byte of deformation normal contact voltages and pressure of a friction and to define an average normal contact voltage at hot and cold thin sheet rolling in conditions when the differential equation of the Karman is carried out. Usability of a sample piece is proved by comparison of theoretical orthographic epures contact voltages builted with use of given dependence, and experimental, gained by means of known methods in the scientific literature.
Бібліографічний опис
Романюк Р. Я. Прогнозування теоретичних епюр контактних напружень при тонколистовій прокатці / Р. Я. Романюк, К. О. Левчук, Ю. А. Гасило // Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту "ХПІ" : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Інноваційні технології та обладнання обробки матеріалів у машинобудуванні та металургії = Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI" : coll. sci. papers. Ser. : Innovative technologies and equipment handling materials in mechanical engineering and metallurgy. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. – № 37 (1259). – С. 71-76.