Дослідження позиційного електропривода двомасової системиз внутрішнім слідкуючим контуром
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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"
Підвищення вимог до швидкодії, точності, плавності, безпеки та енергоємності різноманітних електромеханічних систем обумовлює їх безперервне удосконалення. Метою роботи є розробка та дослідження системи автоматичного керування двомасовим позиційним електро-приводом зі слідкуючим одномасовим приводом у внутрішньому контурі. Вирішені такі задачі: розроблено математичну та фізичну моделі слідкуючого та позиційного електроприводів; синтезовано регулятор положення другої маси; розроблено та досліджено ПІД-регулятор.
Increasing the requirements for speed, accuracy, smoothness, safety and energy intensity of various electromechanical systemsmakes them continuous improvement. The purpose of the work is to develop and researchthe system of automatic control of a two-axle positioned electricmotor with a monotone driven monitor in the inner circuit. The following tasks were solved: mathematical and physical models of tracking and positioning electric drives were developed; the regulator of the position of the second mass is synthesized; the work of the PID-regulator has been developed and investigated. The use of a single-mass electric follower tracking in the internal contour of a positional two-axle electric motor allows for simpler control of the regulator and reduces the required computational power during simulation due to the presentation of the follower electric drive by the first-order aperiodic link. The simulation model of a positional drive, the adequacy of which is confirmed by physical experiment, is developed, together with the stand, for the study of closed two-mass systems of electric drive of a direct current with microprocessor control. The controller, synthesized by the classical method, has a low practical value due to the complexity of its implementation, which is due to the high order of the polynomial of the numerator of the transfer function. The use of a mathematical model for searching the PID controller coefficients, providing the desired static and dynamic characteristics, reduces the search time and reduces the risk of damage to real equipment during the debugging process.
Increasing the requirements for speed, accuracy, smoothness, safety and energy intensity of various electromechanical systemsmakes them continuous improvement. The purpose of the work is to develop and researchthe system of automatic control of a two-axle positioned electricmotor with a monotone driven monitor in the inner circuit. The following tasks were solved: mathematical and physical models of tracking and positioning electric drives were developed; the regulator of the position of the second mass is synthesized; the work of the PID-regulator has been developed and investigated. The use of a single-mass electric follower tracking in the internal contour of a positional two-axle electric motor allows for simpler control of the regulator and reduces the required computational power during simulation due to the presentation of the follower electric drive by the first-order aperiodic link. The simulation model of a positional drive, the adequacy of which is confirmed by physical experiment, is developed, together with the stand, for the study of closed two-mass systems of electric drive of a direct current with microprocessor control. The controller, synthesized by the classical method, has a low practical value due to the complexity of its implementation, which is due to the high order of the polynomial of the numerator of the transfer function. The use of a mathematical model for searching the PID controller coefficients, providing the desired static and dynamic characteristics, reduces the search time and reduces the risk of damage to real equipment during the debugging process.
Ключові слова
ПІД-регулятор, мікроконтролер, математичне моделювання, PID-controller, microcontroller, mathematical modeling
Бібліографічний опис
Осадчий В. В. Дослідження позиційного електропривода двомасової системи з внутрішнім слідкуючим контуром / В. В. Осадчий, О. С. Назарова, М. О. Олєйніков // Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Проблеми автоматизованого електропривода. Теорія і практика = Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Ser. : Problems of automated electrodrive. Theory and practice : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : НТУ "ХПІ", 2019. – № 16. – С. 47-54.