Роль виховання в системі освіти
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У статті розглянуто роль виховання в системі освіти. Наголошено, що сутність виховання полягає в організації процесу соціалізації індивідів, зокрема, молодого покоління. Зазначено, що між вихователем і вихованцем складаються соціальні відносини, які базуються на певній нормативно-ціннісній системі й виявляються в різних формах. Проаналізовано теоретичні принципи та функції, за допомогою яких можна організувати процес виховання в навчальному закладі. Зроблено висновок, що виховання органічно пов’язане з навчанням, ці види діяльності взаємодоповнюють і взаємозбагачують один одного. Доведено, що в процесі освіти навчання повинно мати виховний характер, а виховання – містити в собі навчання.
The role of the tutoring component in the education system is considered in the article. It is emphasized that a significant role in the formation of a highly educated and cultural person belongs to education, which, for the successful organization of the educational process and management, is capable of solving this issue. It is noted that tutoring is the most important function of society and as a social phenomenon depends on the norms, rules, traditions, values that exist in a society that determine the behavior of the individual. It is emphasized that the social institute of tutoring has its own goal, aimed at organizing the tutoring process in society. He has certain functions that help in achieving this goal, as well as relevant institutions and facilities (research institutes, educational and educational institutions). The tutoring process is carried out through the use of various educational methods, technologies, systems. It is stressed that today, the questions concerning the educational system in the modern Ukrainian society are topical. The transformational processes taking place in the life of Ukrainian society require fundamentally new approaches to the organization of educational work in educational institutions, including in higher education. The article analyzes the theoretical principles by which it is possible to organize the process of tutoring in an educational institution. It has been established that the principles of tutoring for which modern Ukrainian education is intended to be based should include both the best achievements of the past generations and the innovative processes that are taking place in the world educational community. It is concluded that observance of these principles in the process of tutoring activity, in coordination of efforts of all units and structures of an educational institution, will increase its efficiency and direct efforts to solve the problems. Thus, based on the proposed theoretical principles, it is possible to organize the process of tutoring in an educational institution. It is stressed that the main activity of universities is tutoring activity, in which researchers, as a rule, distinguish such types of education: education and tutoring. Modern processes of reforming education have affected both education and education. In the framework of a new educational paradigm, learning can be presented as an activity on the basis of which the individual enters the world of culture. Another kind of educational activity is education as an activity for the formation of certain value orientations, ideals, which result in the socialization and inculturation of the individual. It is activity on self-development of an individual, formation of his spiritual culture. The non-educational sphere of life of the university is directed at the education of the student’s personality, including its value system, the content content of which is disclosed in value orientations, implemented in different types of activity. Valuable orientations characterize the social activity of the individual, to objective criteria which can be attributed to its orientation and content. It is emphasized that education is a separate kind of tutoring activity as activity in forming of certain value orientations, ideals, which results in the socialization and inculturation of the individual. This activity is about self-development of an individual, formation of his spiritual culture. It is concluded that tutoring is organically linked with learning, these activities complement each other and mutually enrich each other. In the process of education, education should have a tutoring character, and tutoring should include education. Also, the article analyzes specific forms and functions of tutoring. It is concluded that tutoring represents a complex social phenomenon, which includes a variety of social interactions and relationships, which, in turn, are realized in the corresponding social institute.
The role of the tutoring component in the education system is considered in the article. It is emphasized that a significant role in the formation of a highly educated and cultural person belongs to education, which, for the successful organization of the educational process and management, is capable of solving this issue. It is noted that tutoring is the most important function of society and as a social phenomenon depends on the norms, rules, traditions, values that exist in a society that determine the behavior of the individual. It is emphasized that the social institute of tutoring has its own goal, aimed at organizing the tutoring process in society. He has certain functions that help in achieving this goal, as well as relevant institutions and facilities (research institutes, educational and educational institutions). The tutoring process is carried out through the use of various educational methods, technologies, systems. It is stressed that today, the questions concerning the educational system in the modern Ukrainian society are topical. The transformational processes taking place in the life of Ukrainian society require fundamentally new approaches to the organization of educational work in educational institutions, including in higher education. The article analyzes the theoretical principles by which it is possible to organize the process of tutoring in an educational institution. It has been established that the principles of tutoring for which modern Ukrainian education is intended to be based should include both the best achievements of the past generations and the innovative processes that are taking place in the world educational community. It is concluded that observance of these principles in the process of tutoring activity, in coordination of efforts of all units and structures of an educational institution, will increase its efficiency and direct efforts to solve the problems. Thus, based on the proposed theoretical principles, it is possible to organize the process of tutoring in an educational institution. It is stressed that the main activity of universities is tutoring activity, in which researchers, as a rule, distinguish such types of education: education and tutoring. Modern processes of reforming education have affected both education and education. In the framework of a new educational paradigm, learning can be presented as an activity on the basis of which the individual enters the world of culture. Another kind of educational activity is education as an activity for the formation of certain value orientations, ideals, which result in the socialization and inculturation of the individual. It is activity on self-development of an individual, formation of his spiritual culture. The non-educational sphere of life of the university is directed at the education of the student’s personality, including its value system, the content content of which is disclosed in value orientations, implemented in different types of activity. Valuable orientations characterize the social activity of the individual, to objective criteria which can be attributed to its orientation and content. It is emphasized that education is a separate kind of tutoring activity as activity in forming of certain value orientations, ideals, which results in the socialization and inculturation of the individual. This activity is about self-development of an individual, formation of his spiritual culture. It is concluded that tutoring is organically linked with learning, these activities complement each other and mutually enrich each other. In the process of education, education should have a tutoring character, and tutoring should include education. Also, the article analyzes specific forms and functions of tutoring. It is concluded that tutoring represents a complex social phenomenon, which includes a variety of social interactions and relationships, which, in turn, are realized in the corresponding social institute.
Ключові слова
виховний процес, виховна система, соціальні відносини, навчання, tutoring, education, tutoring process, educational system
Бібліографічний опис
Агаларова К. А. Роль виховання в системі освіти / К. А. Агаларова // Соціальні технології: актуальні проблеми теорії та практики : зб. наук. пр. – Запоріжжя : КПУ, 2019. – Вип. 82. – С. 6-13.