Fundamentals of studying typical dynamic control actions in MATLAB
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Study guide includes materials for basic student's knowledge of time and frequency responses of typical dynamic control actions described by transfer functions. To perform tasks in lab classes MATLAB software is recommended to use. The study provides instructions on how to perform the lab classes, how tasks should be performed. Specialized icons and commands of Simulink for this purpose are described Study Guide to Lab Classes are for students of specialty 141 "Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" learning the discipline "Theory of Automatic Control. Part 1" on Educational Program in English.
Бібліографічний опис
Asmolova L. V. Fundamentals of studying typical dynamic control actions in MATLAB : study guide / L. V. Asmolova, V. M. Shamardina, T. S. Chudovska ; National Technical University "Kharkiv polytechnic institute". – Kharkiv : PromArt, 2022. – 56 p.