Вісник № 57
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/7733
27 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Збагачення молочних продуктів риб'ячим жиром(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Юр'єва, Марина СергіївнаIn the article the analysis of an up-to-date status of dairy products fortification with fish oil was performed. The structure and characteristics of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids, as well as their influence on human health were researched. Also a new research considering soft goat cheese fortification with fish oil to deliver healthy omega-3 fatty acids was analyzed. Production of a dairy product containing structured fish oil was suggested.Документ Применение топологического моделирования в физико-химической динамике и в технологии дисперсных систем и материалов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Трофимова, Л. Е.; Урьев, Н. Б.It is suggested for description of aberrant behavior of some disperse systems and materials to attract the topology approach based on the theory of catastrophes. The processes of disperse systems formation are analysed in dynamic conditions. Specific examples were used to demonstrate the expediency of the use of this methodical approach in a complex with the accepted instrumental methods of research of properties of the structured disperse systems and materials on their basis.Документ Дослідження процесу ущільнення гідроксиапатитної кераміки при мікрохвильовому спіканні(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Товстоног, Г. Б.; Сич, О. Є.; Скороход, В. В.In this work the characteristics of microwave sintering of porous hydroxyapatite ceramics have been investigated. It was established that use of microwave sintering at 1000 °C provides to obtain ceramics based on biogenic hydroxyapatite with porosity of 35 – 46,5 % that was 90 – 95 % open, and compressive strength 21 – 67 MPa. It was shown that increase of compacting pressure from 50 upto 250 MPa promotes the formation of a fine-grained ceramics with particle size 0,06 – 1,37 μm and reduction existence interval of the most pores down to 0,2 – 0,7 μm.Документ Получение мелкодисперсных композитов в системе Салм. − Ti − Si(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Стратийчук, Д. А.; Туркевич, В. З.; Колабылина, Т. В.; Осипов, А. С.; Смирнова, Т. И.This work is devoted to the study of phase interaction in the ternary Cdiamond – Ti – Si system and was conducted to determine the optimum conditions for the formation of high-strength diamondcontaining composites. By using high static pressure (7.7 GPa), it was shown that starting from 1500 °C the binder component Ti3SiC2 decomposes to form the fine dispersed TiC and high-pressure b-SiC phases. Obtained diamond based composite is characterized by high physic and mechanical characteristics and can be used for stone processing.Документ Хімічна взаємодія й фазоутворення у сульфатних, нітратних, хлоридних водно-сольових системах неодиму і лужних металів(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2013) Стороженко, Дмитро Олексійович; Дрючко, Олександр Григорович; Бунякіна, Наталія Володимирівна; Іваницька, Ірина ОлександрівнаUsing the complex of physical-chemical methods authors studied the nature and regularities of chemical interaction of the structural components and heterogeneous equilibrium (25 – 100 °С) in ternary water-salt systems of neodymium and IA group elements sulfates, nitrates and chlorides. A number of peculiarities and regularities of their combined interaction have been found.Документ Інноваційна технологія дроблення магнетитових кварцитів в полі відцентрових сил та її вплив на ефективність рудопідготовки(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Сокур, Микола Іванович; Сокур, Л. М.; Сокур, І. М.A study of the processes of fragmentation in magnetite quartzite cone crusher and centrifugal-type shock. It is shown that crushing ore in the crusher centrifugal type can significantly improve the performance rudopidhotovky, in particular to reduce energy consumption by 12 – 15 %, improve grinding efficiency and quality of concentrate by 1.5 – 2 %. A new innovative technology rudopidhotovky using centrifugal type crushers.Документ Моделирование свойств самоуплотняющегося бетона при поэтапном введении добавок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Салих, Ф.; Коваль, С.The method of maintenance of technological properties of self-compacting concrete mixture offers and investigational in the conditions of dry roast of climate at stage-by-stage introduction of additions.Документ Композиционный кладочный материал(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Руссу, И. В.The results of research on the optimization of the structure and properties of composite material from local raw materials for construction of walls. Experimentally proved that disperse reinforcement of composite material with biomass together with improved mechanical strength greatly reduces its thermal.Документ Процессы, происходящие при структурировании гибридных полимеркерамических композитов на основе фосфатов кальция(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Рассоха, Алексей Николаевич; Кривилева, Светлана ПавловнаIn the article all areas of the use and mechanisms of structurization of composition materials for medical-technical use and its defects were analyzed. A perspective hybrid polymer-ceramic material on the basis of calcium phosphate was elaborated, the mechanism its structurization was learned.Документ Вплив величини вакууму при охолодженні на структуру та властивості сплаву ВК10ОМ після компресійного спікання під тиском газу(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Прокопів, М. М.; Харченко, О. В.Presented results of researches of influence of size of vacuum at cooling on a structure and properties of alloy of VK10OM after compression spikannya. Is it rotined that optimum structure and maximal fiziko-mechanical properties of alloy of VK10OM after compression spikannya force-feed Р – 2,5 MPa, turn out at cooling with the vacuum of Р – 1×10‾⁴ MPa.
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