Methodological guidelines for laboratory and independent work on the topic "Basic concepts and laws of chemistry"




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National technical university "Kharkov polytechnical institute"


When studying the course "General Chemistry", the topic "Basic chemical concepts and laws" is the entry point for it. The peculiarity of the topic is that it is a foundation for further study of the discipline according to the curriculum and training program for foreign students of technological specialties. The structure of methodical guidelines provides consideration of theoretical material, tasks for self-control and laboratory work. Theoretical fundamentals and basic laws of chemistry are presented. The law of conservation of mass, the law of constancy of matter, gas laws are theoretically considered. The particular attention is paid to explaining the law of equivalents. As for reviewing the theoretical material, we propose to perform laboratory work «Determination of the molar mass of the metal equivalent», which will contribute to the formation of students' development of chemical thinking and skills of scientific experimental work. The experimental part of the work contains detailed instructions for conducting and processing the results of the experiment, making a report. The purpose of the work is to get acquainted with the concept of substance equivalent and the method of calculating the molar mass of equivalents in accordance with the law of equivalents. The terms and concepts used meet the requirements in the field of theoretical chemistry. The presented material will be useful for foreign students of all forms of training to technological specialties.


Бібліографічний опис

Methodological guidelines for laboratory and independent work on the topic "Basic concepts and laws of chemistry" according to the educational and professional program "Bachelor" [Electronic resource] : for foreign students of technological specialties: 161 – Chemical Engineering and Processes, 185 – Chemical Technologies and Engineering / comp.: I. Asieieva [et al.] ; National technical university "Kharkov polytechnical institute". – Electronic text data. – Kharkiv : NTU "KhPI", 2021. – 28 p. – URI:



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