Динамические модели биокинематических параметров движений атлетов
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В статье освещены варианты применения измерительной аппаратуры экспресс-диагностики динамических характеристик спортивных движений для определения состояния атлетов и на основе проведенных исследований описаны примеры создания динамических моделей, позволяющих идентифицировать как само спортивное движение через его координационно-кинематическую структуру, так и его динамические характеристики через амплитуды ускорений в контрольных фазах этих движений. Такая аппаратура информирует испытуемого об интенсивности выполнения им тренировочного задания и критических амплитудных и временных отклонениях от установленной тренером нормы.
The most important task of training athletes is the diagnosis of functional and technical condition of the athlete in the process of friction-malization and competitive activities This article describes the options for the measuring equipment for express diagnostics of dynamic characteristics of athletes and sports movements through research, examples of creating dynamic models, allows one to identify itself as the sports movement through its coordinating and kinematic structure and the dynamic characteristics of the amplitudes of acceleration phases in the control of these movements. Presented diagnostic equipment allows you to create "dynamic images of movements" to identify them in the coordinate-ordination of complex exercises, compare them with the model of the motion of the database. Such equipment shall inform the subject of the intensity of the performance of the training tasks and the critical amplitude and time deviations from established norms coach.
The most important task of training athletes is the diagnosis of functional and technical condition of the athlete in the process of friction-malization and competitive activities This article describes the options for the measuring equipment for express diagnostics of dynamic characteristics of athletes and sports movements through research, examples of creating dynamic models, allows one to identify itself as the sports movement through its coordinating and kinematic structure and the dynamic characteristics of the amplitudes of acceleration phases in the control of these movements. Presented diagnostic equipment allows you to create "dynamic images of movements" to identify them in the coordinate-ordination of complex exercises, compare them with the model of the motion of the database. Such equipment shall inform the subject of the intensity of the performance of the training tasks and the critical amplitude and time deviations from established norms coach.
Бібліографічний опис
Галица В. И. Динамические модели биокинематических параметров движений атлетов / В. И. Галица, П. А. Качанов // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Новые решения в современных технологиях. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 36 (1079). – С. 106-111.