Мотиваційний потенціал працівника як резерв розвитку підприємства

dc.contributor.authorПерерва, Петро Григоровичuk
dc.contributor.authorГуцан, Олександр Миколайовичuk
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуті та обґрунтовані місце і роль мотиваційного потенціалу працівника як ключового резерву розвитку сучасного підприємства. Розглянуто компонентну структуру потенціалу підприємства та виявлено місце і роль мотиваційного потенціалу в економічній діяльності підприємства.uk
dc.description.abstractThe development of modern engineering enterprise depends on the use of various resources and opportunities that are available to company management. Effective use of hidden reserves management capabilities and allow for sustainable profit. Aim of this paper is to study the structural component filling potential of the company and identify potential motivational impact on the development of the enterprise. The paper considers reasonable and the place and role of motivational employee's potential as a key provision of modern enterprise. Analysis of the component structure of the enterprise potential and found the place and role of motivation in the economic potential of the company are given. Considerable diversity of approaches to the concept of "potential" was presented. The essence of the categories of "labor potential", "human resources" is reviewed. Elemental compositions of the enterprise potential are examined. Generalized component structure potential of the company is research. Diversity of views on the criteria of "hierarchical allocation of motivational potential" was investigated. The view of a number of local economists who view human resources as a separate component of potential is discussion. Principal positions in the research economists and scientists in understanding the potential of personnel and motivational aspects were detected. Courtesy of advanced structural component model of motivation through needs with regard to the inclusion of employee competencies is developed. Structural component composition motivational potential of modern production industrial enterprise was found. Improved structural-component model of motivation through needs (including competence aspect) was developed. In the classical model of behavior through motivation needs there is a lack of consideration of the mechanism and the elemental composition of motivation are not included in employee competence. Based on isolated systematization of modern literature structural elements of potential enterprise component (filling labor potential combinations understanding potential as an economic system, and the inclusion of consideration of the mechanism of interaction needs, incentives, motivation and competence) possible to allocate a place and role in the motivational potential of modern enterprise. The place and role of motivational potential in a stable existence and development of enterprises consider the structure of the components of human resources was shown. In the study, the place and role of motivation in the economic potential of the company identified two types of influences on the modern worker: 1) indirect effects - shows an indirect effect on all components of the employment potential; 2) direct effect - due to increased sensitivity to factors of motivation will experience satisfaction, activation and maximum realization of the interests and motives of the employee. The author understands the concepts of «motivational potential of the company» are suggested. Leading role motivational potential employee through the work and development of the modern enterprise was grounded.en
dc.identifier.citationПерерва П. Г. Мотиваційний потенціал працівника як резерв розвитку підприємства / П. Г. Перерва, О. М. Гуцан // Економічні науки : зб. наук. праць. Сер. : Економіка та менеджмент / відп. ред. З. В. Герасимчук. – Луцьк : ЛНТУ, 2014. – Вип. 11 (42). – С. 233-243.uk
dc.publisherЛуцький національний технічний університетuk
dc.subjectуправління підприємствомuk
dc.subjectпотенціал кадровийuk
dc.subjectпотенціал трудовийuk
dc.subjectповедінка виробничо-функціональнаuk
dc.subjectenterprise developmenten
dc.titleМотиваційний потенціал працівника як резерв розвитку підприємстваuk
dc.title.alternativeMotivation potential of the worker as a reserve of enterpriseen


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