Formation of the economic security of the real sector of the economy on the principles of compliance

dc.contributor.authorKobielieva, T. O.en
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the adaptation of the theory and practice of compliance function to the conditions of the real sector of the economy in order to ensure economic security. Based on the analysis of the current state of the Ukrainian economy, the presence of a corruption component in it is revealed, using which cases of fraud, money laundering, corporate ethics violations, etc. are carried out. Scientific and methodological proposals were developed for using the compliance function in the practice of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy. Today, compliance is an important element of the corporate governance system of the organization as a whole, begins in top management and is broadcast at all levels of business. It was proposed to introduce into scientific use a new term “compliance security”, which is supposed to be used when determining the level of economic security of enterprises and organizations. It is proved that the new term requires the creation of a methodically methodological base for determining the integral index, which would determine the level of compliance threats in an industrial enterprise. Methodical provisions for determining the integral indicator of the efficiency of the compliance program (compliance safety) at an industrial enterprise are proposed. It has been proven that this methodology can be used to a certain extent to assess the activity of an industrial enterprise in countering compliance threats. It is substantiated that compliance security of an enterprise can be considered as one of the components of a broader concept - economic security. An algorithm for the practical use of the compliance function in the practice of industrial enterprises is proposed.en
dc.identifier.citationKobielieva T. Formation of the economic security of the real sector of the economy on the principles of compliance / T. Kobielieva // Development of the innovative environmental and economic system in Ukraine : collective monogr. / ed.: V. Khudolei, T. Ponomarenko. – Prague : OKTAN PRINT s.r.o., 2019. – P. 327-343.en
dc.publisherOKTAN PRINT s.r.o.en
dc.subjecteconomic securityen
dc.subjectcompliance securityen
dc.subjectintegral indicatoren
dc.titleFormation of the economic security of the real sector of the economy on the principles of complianceen
dc.typeBook chapteren


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